[FFmpeg-devel] [BASIC QUESTION] Profiling tool for ffmpeg

Kieran Kunhya kieran618 at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 24 16:44:45 EET 2025

On Mon, 24 Feb 2025, 06:43 Cesar Matheus, <cesar.matheus at telecom-paris.fr>

> Hi, I'm a CS student working on an optimisation of the ebur128 filter.
> First I'm looking for the nicest way to get information on code performance.
> I saw  that the configuration flag   "--enable-linux-perf"      enables
> Linux Performance Monitor API, I've been using the perf tool with the
> following commands for example :
> ./perf record -F 99 -a -g --call-graph dwarf ./ffmpeg -i test.wav -vn -af
> loudnorm=print_format=summary:dual_mono=true -f null /dev/null
> but I'm not quite satisfate with the result.
> Do you have any advice on how to properly extract informations such as
> execution time, function call graph etc.. in such a case using profiling
> tool (perf or gprof for example ?
> Thank you very much,
> César Mathéus

Hi Cesar,

You should profile with the "ffmpeg_g" command which contains debug symbols.



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