[FFmpeg-devel] CC statement on alleged insults against the GSoC student et al

Marth64 marth64 at proxyid.net
Tue Mar 4 21:15:01 EET 2025

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your thoughts.

CC did not ignore. One can find a fault in that thread no matter which
lens it is looked under. Our conclusion is aimed to be balanced.
Objectively, Kieran's point was valid - the topic started with focus
on the complaint of our environment having a high learning ramp with
sometimes limited support, then it did evolve into out of context
concerns. While the delivery was not ideal as you pointed out, Kieran
cannot be singled out or faulted for this. We did issue a warning to
Kieran at the end of the statement, but the opportunity for cordial
delivery of tough messages is broader than just Kieran or this thread.
In fact, it is rampant in the community and will not improve

We will continue to assess other complaints in our docket.


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