[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 1/2] avcodec/vc2enc: Use LUT to assemble interleaved golomb, code

Lynne dev at lynne.ee
Wed Mar 12 15:46:34 EET 2025

On 12/03/2025 06:27, Andreas Rheinhardt wrote:
> Lynne:
>> On 12/03/2025 04:10, Andreas Rheinhardt wrote:
>>> Patches attached.
>>> - Andreas
>> First patch is wild, its surprising no one considered inverting the way
>> decoder parses codes for an encoder yet.
> I didn't even look at the decoder.
> (It is actually surprising that it took until
> 512e597932dfe05cf5665192efbe2c93c2e36af2 for the original code to be
> improved.)
>> Rather than ORing and using put_bits63, I think it would make more sense
>> to write out each chunk using put_bits sequentially. It might be
>> possible to reverse the lookups such that you get the MSBs first so you
>> wouldn't need to reverse them out of place in a small array.
>> But either way, LGTM. Feel free to explore this in a follow-up.
> I don't think that writing them sequentially will improve anything: In
> order to be able to use a LUT, I would have to shift the bits starting
> with the MSBs into position; and then there would be the internal shifts
> and checks inside put_bits().
> Apart from that: put_bits63() is the same as put_bits() when BUF_BITS is
> 64 (see ede2b391cc516f4f93621f6a214b3410b231f582).
>> Second patch seems a bit pointless. It's just one single call you're
>> uninlining? Chasing to save a few extra bytes of binary surely don't
>> deserve having a wrapper function for uninlining.
> I am uninlining all calls besides the hot one. 31 callsites.
> For GCC, this reduced codesize 2c36 to 25b1 (15% saved), for clang from
> 4b08 to 3338 (32% saved).

Oh, it was late and I didn't read carefully.
Both patches LGTM.

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