[FFmpeg-trac] #10766(undetermined:new): Feature request - Spout capture

FFmpeg trac at avcodec.org
Sat Dec 30 17:03:13 EET 2023

#10766: Feature request - Spout capture
             Reporter:  frtog        |                     Type:
                                     |  enhancement
               Status:  new          |                 Priority:  normal
            Component:               |                  Version:
  undetermined                       |  unspecified
             Keywords:               |               Blocked By:
             Blocking:               |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0            |

 I would like to file a feature request for being able to use Spout
 (https://spout.zeal.co/) as an input device to ffmpeg.

 Similarly to libavdevice/dshow.c or libavdevice/x11grab.c

 This would allow recording real time Spout senders’ video to file in the
 most resource efficient manner and leverage all the nice features of

 There are a few alternatives that I have personally tried and could share
 here. But none allow efficient and error free recording of 4K 60 fps

 Sorry if this is not the right place to file such a feature request.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/10766>
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