[FFmpeg-user] flv unsupported codec

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Wed Jun 22 14:25:49 CEST 2011

Am 22.06.2011 14:23, schrieb Tomasz Góral:
> W dniu 2011-06-22 13:08, Reindl Harald pisze:
>> Am 22.06.2011 08:42, schrieb Tomasz Góral:
>>> I created flv, but ffmpeg cannot read, return unsupported codec
>> why do you not post your whole input and output?
>> what ffmpeg-build?
>> what you have done is telling us that you are unhappy but not really
>> interested in anyones help but you feel better now
> Ok, start from the beginning:
> I wrote a video mixer applications, then ffmpeg get raw date, compresses data and sent to the server ffserver.
> And at the very beginning sent to ffmpeg audio samples are only a few seconds the video samples.
> If first sent video samples, then ffplay, VLC, VirtualDub and other players can play the file, but if the first
> audio sample of the aforementioned players, then inform the codec is not supported, and the JW Player can play the
> file smoothly.
> It does not depend on the configuration of ffmpeg (I use version under windows and linux), it depends solely on the
> arrangement of data


if you need tech help provide UNMODIFIED outputs of the problem
and not any interpretations of you, not only here, everywhere

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