[FFmpeg-user] Unsophisticated user has a question

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sun Aug 11 19:09:02 CEST 2013

Am 11.08.2013 18:56, schrieb Phil Rhodes:
>>> Can anyone explain the 4x size difference with the data there?
>> it is logical from MPEG3 to H264
> I suspect you meant MPEG2.

yes, typo

> But is this a situation where ffmpeg is intelligently picking a bitrate based on the 
> characteristics of the video, or is it defaulting to a low bitrate, given the user 
> hasn't specified one? In the latter case it may make sense for the the user to specify 
> a higher bitrate

most likely a combination of both

in my expierience it is always a bad idea not to be explicit
but H.222/H.262 will in any case be much larger than H264

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