[FFmpeg-user] Controlling moov atom file size

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Wed Aug 14 20:19:08 CEST 2013

Am 14.08.2013 20:14, schrieb Diljit Singh:
> Actually the problem which we were facing was high latency while playing
> Video through CDN. This was happening due to the fact that content was not
> hot in the cache of edge servers. It was suggest by the tech team that moov
> file is large and it should reduced below a certain threshold.
> Somewhere in mails on this user group i also read that there is another
> flag "-movflags faststart" which can be used to achieve similar purpose.
> please suggest which could be better approach

"-movflags +faststart" is nothing else than

"file size" is plain stupid in this context since "file size" have a specific
meaning and nothing to do with faststart

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