[FFmpeg-user] Brute-force decoding

Laurence Perkins (OE) lperkins at openeye.net
Mon Jun 2 20:14:58 CEST 2014

On Fri, 2014-05-30 at 23:54 +0000, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> Laurence Perkins (OE <lperkins <at> openeye.net> writes:
> > I'm pretty sure they're going to be raw H.264 streams.
> Raw H.264 streams contain all necessary information, 
> FFmpeg should be able to read them (even if damaged).
> If they don't work, please upload a sample.
> Carl Eugen
Hmmmm...  They must be something else then.  Or else are so badly
corrupted as to be unrecognizable.

There does seem to be some kind of header information, but ffmpeg
doesn't seem to know what it is.  

I've attached a hexdump that contains the beginning of two of the files
so you can see the pattern.  Maybe somebody on the list will recognize

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