[FFmpeg-user] Message about bounces

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Thu Jun 26 19:01:00 CEST 2014

Am 26.06.2014 18:36, schrieb mark_a_lee-abeng at yahoo.ca:
> I've been getting what I think are all the messages generated by the 
> list but I got one not long ago saying my account had been suspended 
> because of bounces and I needed to reconfirm.
> Is that normal?

on that list: yes

it happenes everytime people using URLs which contained
recently malware in their posts or even in their signature
and rejected hence by a spamfilter

the word "bounce" is *completly* wrong in that context
reject != bounce and if something in the mailing-list
infrastructure creates bounces cuased by rejects on
the reeiver side it's a self-backscatter not caused
by the user with a spamfilter

a) the treshhold for suspend on that list is way too short
b) the usage of sharehosters in messages on that lis is high

the combionation of both is a ongoing annoyance

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