[FFmpeg-user] Simple question regarding probing and resetting position in C

JULIAN GARDNER joolzg at btinternet.com
Wed Apr 1 18:27:20 CEST 2015

> From: Carl Eugen Hoyos <cehoyos at ag.or.at>
>To: ffmpeg-user at ffmpeg.org 
>Sent: Wednesday, 1 April 2015, 11:16
>Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-user] Simple question regarding probing and resetting    position in C
>JULIAN GARDNER <joolzg <at> btinternet.com> writes:
>> I have the generic code to open a small file and 
>> start getting packets from it, but it seems that 
>> the probing moves the internal pointers along 
>> around 20 seconds into the file.
>What do you mean with "internal pointers"?
>(You shouldn't try to access the internal pointers.)
>When you start decoding after probing, decoding 
>should start with the beginning of the file.
>In certain cases (like cut H.264 streams), the 
>initial output of the decoding may not match the 
>beginning of the file, there are options to 
>circumvent that.
>Carl Eugen
I dont want to access any internals, i want to find out why i get this scenario with small files.

file 1 starts 20 seconds in, mp4
file 2 starts 27 seconds in, avi

OK, i will look into this and see if I am doing anything wrong.


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