[FFmpeg-user] Is FFV1 able to encode interlaced video?

MrNice wxcvbn2006 at iol.ie
Mon Aug 10 17:19:57 CEST 2015

On 10/08/15 11:53, Andy Furniss wrote:
> MrNice wrote:
>> I use the following command. I am not sure if the output file is
>> interlaced because mediainfo says nothing about that for FFV1
>> encoder.
>> ./ffmpeg -debug 1 -f pulse -ar 44100 -ac 2 -channel_layout stereo
>> -thread_queue_size 512 -i alsa_input.pci-0000_00_14.2.analog-stereo
>> -f v4l2 -ts mono2abs -channel 1 -video_size 720x576 -pix_fmt yuyv422
> Different issue, but as you are using 422 if you ever want to make a dvd
> or something that needs 420 you will need to be very careful to make
> sure you do an interlaced aware conversion.
> -vf scale=interl=1,format=pix_fmts=yuv420p
> for example.
> Historically at least there are potential issues with this.
> IIRC it just won't(didn't) work if you use
> ffmpeg ..... -target pal-dvd -flags +ilme+ildct ... as a scaler gets
> auto inserted and does a progressive conversion even if you try to
> specify interlaced.
> This may not apply now - or there may have always been a way I didn't
> find. (what I did was avoid using target of course, but that meant
> working out the other params the target set).

I did a test with FFV1 input file and x264 output:
./ffmpeg -debug 1 -i /Store3/Test/t_20150810_1016.mkv -c:v libx264
-preset slow -qp 0 -flags +ilme+ildct -aspect 4:3 -pix_fmt yuv422p -c:a
wmav2 /Store3/Test/test2_interlaced.mkv

ffprobe says:
Very good, I keep FFV1 encoder for intermediate files

I'll no bake dvds but record mp4 or mkv files in dvd supports.

Many thanks to all of you

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