[FFmpeg-user] New user want to use ffmpeg in asp.net

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Thu Dec 17 22:16:22 CET 2015

Am 17.12.2015 um 22:10 schrieb Martín Capón Borreggo:
> Thanks.
> What do u mean 'wihout the full output?

ffmpeg.exe outouts more than "I get an error 'unsupported code for 
stream #0.0'" and so when you do "fmpeg -i ejemplo.avi ejemplo.mp4" 
there is *more output*

and for "I can't copy and paste the error" two questions:

* why the hell do you create two threads on the list?
* why do you pretend that one can't copy&paste console
   outout on windows?

> Do u know where can I downoload all the files that come with ffmpeg and the ffmpeg itself in zip format?

ffmpeg upstream only releases source code
what exactly are you missing and from where are you binaries?

> Am 17.12.2015 um 20:12 schrieb Martín Capón Borreggo:
>> I am new. Want to use ffmpeg in asp.net
>> I downloaded the ffmpeg. I want to use html5 audio and video tags
>> I do ffmpeg -i ejemplo.avi ejemplo.mp4 in order to convert my 520 mb ejemplo.avi file into mp4.
>> ejemplo.mp4 is created with 0 bytes.
>> I get an error 'unsupported code for stream #0.0'
>> Can u help me?
> not without the full output

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