[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg v2.5.3 on osx - image sequence bug

Moritz Barsnick barsnick at gmx.net
Fri Feb 6 09:23:07 CET 2015

On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 12:37:16 +1100, Matthew Gidney wrote:
> In testing I want to transcode a image sequence into a prores movie.
> The command is successful but the Images in the sequence are not
> contiguous. They repeat over and over frames 0 to fame 9 for 100
> frames. I guess the %04d is being poorly handled. The command string
> is below:
> ffmpeg  -f image2 -i /Volumes/dabrender/120988_matthewgidney/testFarm/images/mr_dotty_test/mr_dotty_test.%04d.exr -metadata title=“test version 2.5.3" -codec:v prores -profile:v 0 -s 960x540 -threads 1 -loglevel info -y /Volumes/dabrender/120988_matthewgidney/testFarm/images/mr_dotty_test_osx_ffmpeg_v2.5.3.mov

Please show us the complete, uncut console output from the command.


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Too late now! D'uh!

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