[FFmpeg-user] Need help; willing to pay

Matthew Adams matthew at matthewadams.me
Tue Jan 5 23:50:40 CET 2016

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Moritz Barsnick <barsnick at gmx.net> wrote:

> Anyway, it should be possible to convert those to something sane. As
> Carl Eugen mentions: What's your goal?

My goal is to convert these videos a fixed, relatively standard (30 fps?
 60 fps?) frame rate while retaining the highest image quality possible so
that pretty much any playback hardware & software can play them normally.
Bonus for preserving audio as well in the converted videos.

I'll give your command a try (after I decipher what it's going to do).
Executing `ffmpeg -h full` is a little intimidating for someone like me who
doesn't have to do this regularly...  :)

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