[FFmpeg-user] Exporting FFV1 from Premiere Pro

Peter B. pb at das-werkstatt.com
Thu Dec 14 11:45:26 EET 2017

On 2017-12-13 21:23, Dima Ballin wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I am new to ffmpeg. I've read about how to export H.264 files from Premiere
> Pro via ffmpeg, but I was wondering if it's also possible to export a movie
> as FFV1?

As Carl Eugen already said, please post this question/request at
Premiere support.
This might also speed up their "motivation" to support FFV1 in the future ;)

Ending this thread here (because not ffmpeg-specific), I'm still
pointing you towards "LAV Filters":

Cannot guarantee it, but I've done some testing using LAVFilters to
encode/decode FFV1 in Premiere.
Please let me know (off-list) if this worked for you or not.

Kind regards,

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