[FFmpeg-user] what x264 version to build ffmpeg 3.4.1?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Mon Jan 15 04:12:56 EET 2018

Am 15.01.2018 um 02:51 schrieb Carl Eugen Hoyos:
> 2018-01-15 2:36 GMT+01:00 Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net>:
>> Am 14.01.2018 um 22:47 schrieb Carl Eugen Hoyos:
>>> 2018-01-14 17:32 GMT+01:00 Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net>:
>>>> 0.155.2893 is currently not useable for ffmpeg
>>> This sounds unlikely
>> ok, a fresh snaphot works
>> but what do you expect when there is no repsonse
> What do you mean with "no response"?

no response that the issuse could be already solved, you only told that 
it looks like easy to fix

> I asked you several times how I can reproduce a major
> issue (only!) you see and that I cannot reproduce: Your
> answers were not helpful!

but i don't know how exactly you tried to reprocude the build process - 
as you always say: complete command line for both builds

>> that it should now work in the other thread i started around christmas and
>> that below is the last i heard? that i try every day a new snapshot?
>> "config.log" is still not created at all, configure now only takes a long
>> time without any output and whines in yellow color "WARNING: using libx264
>> without pkg-config"
> Another wild guess: Are you redirecting configure somewhere?

no, there is no "config.log" on the whole system at build time and any 
other sofwtare produces config.log wihtin the same rpmbuild environment

>> you also did *not* confirm that you built a static x264 in a non-default
>> directory
> I told you that I believe I fixed this usecase but without your
> config.log this was absolutely impossible for me to say for
> sure, especially since different versions of FFmpeg produce
> different issues (that were partly fixed).

well, now i see, "Max be fixed, Carl Eugen" directly above the signature

>> and used the exact same configures as i did
> I told you a very long time ago (and after that repeatedly) that your
> "exact" configure line is not supported here for several reasons

god damned when you try to reproduce something that don#t matter

> (Mostly because several options you use make no sense, in a
> more general sense one could also argue that --extra-cflags
> are never supported except for paths. I hope you also understand
> that the more external libraries you enable, the harder - and
> often impossible - things get for me to reproduce, even more so
> for cases of pkg-config abuse by FFmpeg.)

there is not much difference between --extra-cflags and CFLAGS

>> by try to find out why
>> config.log is missing and in that context your typical "scripts are not
>> supported here" is hardly helpful
> What do you mean with "hardly helpful"?
> We (or if you prefer: I) cannot support a zillion of different build
> scripts

irrelevant in that case where you pretend to reproduce something specific

>> frankly i even provided the exact fuile-list auf my x264-latest staic
>> package and all other informations from 2017-12-25 to 2018-01-11
> I believe I never asked you for this "other informations"

sorry for providing any available informations trying to help you 
reproduce a specific issue

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