[FFmpeg-user] FFmpeg doing slow encoding

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Mon Jan 29 12:28:50 EET 2018

Am 29.01.2018 um 10:42 schrieb Sai Krishna Kothapalli:
> My set up includes a input live RTMP stream, and apply a custom video
> filter and output  RTMP stream which is converted to HLS and served to
> clients. Now my issue is that FFmpeg is taking a lot of time to do this
> process (like it is encoding at 0.3 - 0.4X speed). If I give a mp4 file as
> input and output a mp4 file for testing purposes it is taking  nearly 1:30
> sec for a 25 sec 4K video clip. The problem is caused when by the time the
> client finished watching that 25 sec .ts file and by that time the next .ts
> file is produced the video player just buffers. The video player buffers
> for 1:05 sec to play the next chunk and this continues. How should I
> overcome this problem? i am using 8 core aws server for now. Should I use a
> GPU instance and compile FFmpeg with GPU compatibility or can I solve this
> issue by using more number of CPUs. I want it to encode at 1x times so that
> it doesn't buffer on the client video player.

so what answer do you expect with no techincal information at all?

* sample stream
* command line you used
* output of the command

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