[FFmpeg-user] Overlay performance

Darrin Smith darrinps at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 17:28:41 EEST 2019

I was asked for the output and for the original command string. Here they

Note that I first use FFMpeg to trim the video to a 5 second clip, then I
add the overlay to that. The clipping is very fast. The merging of the png
with the video though is very slow.

I've read a few comments that I should make the png smaller than the video
content size. I assume the image will auto-stretch to be the size of the
video?  I need output on all four corners.

Here is the output:

2019-08-27 09:18:21.228 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodec:

2019-08-27 09:18:21.230 20948-21800/com.android.myapp I/Codec2Client:
Creating a Codec2 client to service "default"

2019-08-27 09:18:21.248 20948-21800/com.android.myapp I/Codec2Client:
Client to Codec2 service "default" created

2019-08-27 09:18:21.256 20948-21800/com.android.myapp I/CCodec: setting up
'default' as default (vendor) store

2019-08-27 09:18:21.271 20948-21800/com.android.myapp I/CCodec: Created
component [c2.qti.avc.decoder]

2019-08-27 09:18:21.271 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig: read
media type: video/avc

2019-08-27 09:18:21.272 20948-21800/com.android.myapp
D/ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type:

2019-08-27 09:18:21.274 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig:
ignoring local param raw.size (0xd2001800) as it is already supported

2019-08-27 09:18:21.274 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig:
ignoring local param raw.color (0xd2001809) as it is already supported

2019-08-27 09:18:21.274 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig:
ignoring local param raw.hdr-static-info (0xd200180a) as it is already

2019-08-27 09:18:21.279 20948-21800/com.android.myapp I/CCodecConfig: query
failed after returning 17 values (BAD_INDEX)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.279 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig: c2
config is Dict {

      c2::i32 algo.priority.value = -1

      c2::float algo.rate.value = 4.2039e-44

      c2::u32 algo.secure-mode.value = 0

      c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 30

      c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 20480

      c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 20480

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 0

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0

      c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0

      c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 3

      c2::u32 default.color.range = 2

      c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0

      c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 13271040

      c2::u32 input.delay.value = 4

      string input.media-type.value = "video/avc"

      c2::u32 output.delay.value = 18

      string output.media-type.value = "video/raw"

      c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 0

      c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 0

      c2::u32 raw.color.range = 0

      c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 0

      c2::float raw.hdr-static-info.mastering.blue.x = 1.4013e-45

      c2::float raw.hdr-static-info.mastering.blue.y = 1.4013e-45

      c2::float raw.hdr-stati

2019-08-27 09:18:21.281 20948-21800/com.android.myapp W/ColorUtils:
expected specified color aspects (0:0:0:0)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.290 20948-20994/com.android.myapp D/FA: Connected to
remote service

2019-08-27 09:18:21.300 20948-21799/com.android.myapp D/SurfaceUtils:
connecting to surface 0x6fd5c08010, reason connectToSurface

2019-08-27 09:18:21.300 20948-21799/com.android.myapp I/MediaCodec:
[c2.qti.avc.decoder] setting surface generation to 21450756

2019-08-27 09:18:21.300 20948-21799/com.android.myapp D/SurfaceUtils:
disconnecting from surface 0x6fd5c08010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.300 20948-21799/com.android.myapp D/SurfaceUtils:
connecting to surface 0x6fd5c08010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.301 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig: no c2
equivalents for csd-1

2019-08-27 09:18:21.301 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig: no c2
equivalents for native-window

2019-08-27 09:18:21.302 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig: c2
config is Dict {

      c2::i32 algo.priority.value = 0

      c2::float algo.rate.value = 4.2039e-44

      c2::u32 algo.secure-mode.value = 0

      c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 30

      c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 20480

      c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 20480

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 0

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0

      c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0

      c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 3

      c2::u32 default.color.range = 2

      c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0

      c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 3317760

      c2::u32 input.delay.value = 4

      string input.media-type.value = "video/avc"

      c2::u32 output.delay.value = 18

      string output.media-type.value = "video/raw"

      c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 0

      c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 0

      c2::u32 raw.color.range = 0

      c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 0

      c2::float raw.hdr-static-info.mastering.blue.x = 1.4013e-45

      c2::float raw.hdr-static-info.mastering.blue.y = 1.4013e-45

      c2::float raw.hdr-static-

2019-08-27 09:18:21.302 20948-21800/com.android.myapp W/Codec2Client: query
-- param skipped: index = 1107298332.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.302 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodec: client
requested max input size 458635, which is smaller than what component
recommended (3317760); overriding with component recommendation.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.302 20948-21800/com.android.myapp W/CCodec: This
behavior is subject to change. It is recommended that app developers double
check whether the requested max input size is in reasonable range.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.302 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodec: setup
formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {

      int32_t feature-secure-playback = 0

      int32_t frame-rate = 30

      int32_t height = 1080

      int32_t level = 1

      int32_t max-input-size = 3317760

      string mime = "video/avc"

      int32_t priority = 0

      int32_t profile = 1

      int32_t width = 1920

      Rect crop(0, 0, 1919, 1079)

    } and output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {

      int32_t android._video-scaling = 1

      Rect crop(0, 0, 1919, 1079)

      int32_t color-standard = 1

      int32_t color-range = 2

      int32_t color-transfer = 3

      int32_t android._dataspace = 260

      int32_t width = 1920

      int32_t feature-secure-playback = 0

      int32_t frame-rate = 30

      int32_t height = 1080

      int32_t max-height = 1080

      int32_t max-width = 1920

      string mime = "video/raw"

      int32_t priority = 0

      int32_t rotation-degrees = 0

      Buffer hdr-static-info = {

        00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

        00000010:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00


      int32_t android._color-format

2019-08-27 09:18:21.324 20948-21800/com.android.myapp W/Codec2Client: query
-- param skipped: index = 1342179345.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.324 20948-21800/com.android.myapp W/Codec2Client: query
-- param skipped: index = 2415921170.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.324 20948-21800/com.android.myapp W/Codec2Client: query
-- param skipped: index = 1610614798.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.325 20948-21800/com.android.myapp
D/CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.decoder#435] Query input allocators
returned 0 params => BAD_INDEX (6)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.327 20948-21800/com.android.myapp
D/CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.decoder#435] Created input block pool
with allocatorID 16 => poolID 19 - OK (0)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.327 20948-21800/com.android.myapp
D/CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.decoder#435] Query output allocators
returned 0 params => BAD_INDEX (6)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.327 20948-21800/com.android.myapp
D/CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.decoder#435] Query output surface
allocator returned 0 params => BAD_INDEX (6)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.327 20948-21800/com.android.myapp
I/CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.decoder#435] Created output block pool
with allocatorID 18 => poolID 187 - OK

2019-08-27 09:18:21.327 20948-21800/com.android.myapp
D/CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.decoder#435] Configured output block
pool ids 187 => OK

2019-08-27 09:18:21.328 20948-21800/com.android.myapp
D/Codec2-block_helper: remote graphic buffer migration 0/0

2019-08-27 09:18:21.328 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/Codec2Client:
generation remote change 21450756

2019-08-27 09:18:21.348 20948-21042/com.android.myapp D/BufferPoolAccessor:
bufferpool2 0x6fd6dc9c20 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers
- 0/8 (recycle/alloc) - 8/40 (fetch/transfer)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.348 20948-21042/com.android.myapp D/BufferPoolAccessor:
Destruction - bufferpool2 0x6fd6dc9c20 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs:
8, 0% recycled; transfers: 40, 80% unfetced

2019-08-27 09:18:21.355 20948-21805/com.android.myapp D/CCodec:

2019-08-27 09:18:21.355 20948-21805/com.android.myapp I/Codec2Client:
Creating a Codec2 client to service "default"

2019-08-27 09:18:21.357 20948-21805/com.android.myapp I/Codec2Client:
Client to Codec2 service "default" created

2019-08-27 09:18:21.357 20948-21805/com.android.myapp I/CCodec: setting up
'default' as default (vendor) store

2019-08-27 09:18:21.364 20948-21042/com.android.myapp D/PipelineWatcher:
onInputBufferReleased: frameIndex not found (1); ignored

2019-08-27 09:18:21.377 20948-21805/com.android.myapp I/CCodec: Created
component [c2.android.aac.decoder]

2019-08-27 09:18:21.377 20948-21805/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig: read
media type: audio/mp4a-latm

2019-08-27 09:18:21.378 20948-21805/com.android.myapp
D/ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type:

2019-08-27 09:18:21.379 20948-21805/com.android.myapp
D/ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type:

2019-08-27 09:18:21.379 20948-21805/com.android.myapp
D/ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type:

2019-08-27 09:18:21.379 20948-21805/com.android.myapp
D/ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type:

2019-08-27 09:18:21.379 20948-21805/com.android.myapp
D/ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type:

2019-08-27 09:18:21.379 20948-21805/com.android.myapp
D/ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type:

2019-08-27 09:18:21.379 20948-21805/com.android.myapp
D/ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type:

2019-08-27 09:18:21.380 20948-21800/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig: c2
config is Dict {

      c2::i32 algo.priority.value = 0

      c2::float algo.rate.value = 4.2039e-44

      c2::u32 algo.secure-mode.value = 0

      c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 30

      c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 20480

      c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 20480

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 0

      c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0

      c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0

      c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 3

      c2::u32 default.color.range = 2

      c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0

      c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 3317760

      c2::u32 input.delay.value = 4

      string input.media-type.value = "video/avc"

      c2::u32 output.delay.value = 18

      string output.media-type.value = "video/raw"

      c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 3

      c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 3

      c2::u32 raw.color.range = 1

      c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 3

      c2::u32 raw.crop.height = 1080

      c2::u32 raw.crop.left = 0

      c2::u32 raw.crop.top = 0

      c2::u32 raw.crop.width = 1920

      c2::float raw.hdr-static-info

2019-08-27 09:18:21.380 20948-21800/com.android.myapp
D/CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.decoder#435] onWorkDone: output format
changed to AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {

      int32_t android._video-scaling = 1

      Rect crop(0, 0, 1919, 1079)

      int32_t color-standard = 2

      int32_t color-range = 1

      int32_t color-transfer = 3

      int32_t android._dataspace = 257

      int32_t width = 1920

      int32_t feature-secure-playback = 0

      int32_t frame-rate = 30

      int32_t height = 1080

      int32_t max-height = 1080

      int32_t max-width = 1920

      string mime = "video/raw"

      int32_t priority = 0

      int32_t rotation-degrees = 0

      Buffer hdr-static-info = {

        00000000:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

        00000010:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00


      int32_t android._color-format = 2130708361

      int32_t color-format = 2130708361


2019-08-27 09:18:21.380 20948-21805/com.android.myapp I/CCodecConfig: query
failed after returning 16 values (BAD_INDEX)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.380 20948-21805/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig: c2
config is Dict {

      c2::u32 coded.aac-packaging.value = 0

      c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000

      c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 0

      c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 8192

      c2::float coding.drc.attenuation-factor.value = 1

      c2::float coding.drc.boost-factor.value = 1

      c2::i32 coding.drc.compression-mode.value = 3

      c2::i32 coding.drc.effect-type.value = 3

      c2::float coding.drc.encoded-level.value = 0.25

      c2::float coding.drc.reference-level.value = -16

      c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 8192

      c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0

      string input.media-type.value = "audio/mp4a-latm"

      c2::u32 output.delay.value = 2

      string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw"

      c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1

      c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100


2019-08-27 09:18:21.381 20948-21805/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig:
config failed => CORRUPTED

2019-08-27 09:18:21.382 20948-21805/com.android.myapp D/CCodecConfig: c2
config is Dict {

      c2::u32 coded.aac-packaging.value = 0

      c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000

      c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 0

      c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 8192

      c2::float coding.drc.attenuation-factor.value = 1

      c2::float coding.drc.boost-factor.value = 1

      c2::i32 coding.drc.compression-mode.value = 3

      c2::i32 coding.drc.effect-type.value = 3

      c2::float coding.drc.encoded-level.value = 0.25

      c2::float coding.drc.reference-level.value = -16

      c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 8192

      c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0

      string input.media-type.value = "audio/mp4a-latm"

      c2::u32 output.delay.value = 2

      string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw"

      c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1

      c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 8000


2019-08-27 09:18:21.382 20948-21805/com.android.myapp W/Codec2Client: query
-- param skipped: index = 1107298332.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.382 20948-21805/com.android.myapp D/CCodec: client
requested max input size 309, which is smaller than what component
recommended (8192); overriding with component recommendation.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.382 20948-21805/com.android.myapp W/CCodec: This
behavior is subject to change. It is recommended that app developers double
check whether the requested max input size is in reasonable range.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.382 20948-21805/com.android.myapp D/CCodec: setup
formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {

      int32_t channel-count = 1

      int32_t level = 0

      int32_t max-input-size = 8192

      string mime = "audio/mp4a-latm"

      int32_t profile = 2

      int32_t sample-rate = 8000

    } and output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {

      int32_t channel-count = 1

      string mime = "audio/raw"

      int32_t sample-rate = 8000


2019-08-27 09:18:21.387 20948-21805/com.android.myapp W/Codec2Client: query
-- param skipped: index = 1342179345.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.387 20948-21805/com.android.myapp W/Codec2Client: query
-- param skipped: index = 2415921170.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.387 20948-21805/com.android.myapp W/Codec2Client: query
-- param skipped: index = 1610614798.

2019-08-27 09:18:21.388 20948-21805/com.android.myapp
D/CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.decoder#110] Created input block
pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 20 - OK (0)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.392 20948-21042/com.android.myapp D/BufferPoolAccessor:
bufferpool2 0x6fd518f020 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers
- 1/7 (recycle/alloc) - 6/15 (fetch/transfer)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.393 20948-21042/com.android.myapp D/BufferPoolAccessor:
Destruction - bufferpool2 0x6fd518f020 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs:
7, 14% recycled; transfers: 15, 60% unfetced

2019-08-27 09:18:21.393 20948-21805/com.android.myapp
I/CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.decoder#110] Created output block
pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 179 - OK

2019-08-27 09:18:21.393 20948-21805/com.android.myapp
D/CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.decoder#110] Configured output block
pool ids 179 => OK

2019-08-27 09:18:21.436 20948-21797/com.android.myapp E/AudioTrack:
Discontinuity detected [expected 128000, got 459375]

2019-08-27 09:18:21.438 20948-21799/com.android.myapp D/SurfaceUtils:
connecting to surface 0x6fc5b0b010, reason connectToSurface

2019-08-27 09:18:21.438 20948-21799/com.android.myapp I/MediaCodec:
[c2.qti.avc.decoder] setting surface generation to 21450757

2019-08-27 09:18:21.438 20948-21799/com.android.myapp D/SurfaceUtils:
disconnecting from surface 0x6fc5b0b010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.438 20948-21799/com.android.myapp D/SurfaceUtils:
connecting to surface 0x6fc5b0b010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.440 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
D/Codec2-block_helper: remote graphic buffer migration 14/14

2019-08-27 09:18:21.440 20948-21799/com.android.myapp D/Codec2Client:
generation remote change 21450757

2019-08-27 09:18:21.444 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 18 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 19 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 20 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 21 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 22 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 23 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 24 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 25 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 26 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 27 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 28 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 29 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 30 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 31 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 32 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 33 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 34 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 35 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 36 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.445 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 37 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 38 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 39 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 40 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 41 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 42 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 43 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 44 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 45 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 46 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 47 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 48 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 49 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 50 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 51 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

2019-08-27 09:18:21.446 20948-21799/com.android.myapp
E/BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-1-20948-1] detachBuffer: slot 52 is
not owned by the producer (state = FREE)

Here is the command string for the merging

val cmd = "-y -i $inputFileUrl -i $transparencyFullUrl -filter_complex
[1]format=bgra,colorchannelmixer=aa=1,rotate=0:c=black at 0:ow=rotw(0):oh=roth(0)[overlayImage];[0][overlayImage]overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2
val command = cmd.split(" ".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty()

try {
    FFmpeg.getInstance(context).execute(command, object :
ExecuteBinaryResponseHandler() {


[image: Mailtrack]
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09:28:25 AM

On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 10:20 AM Darrin Smith <darrinps at gmail.com> wrote:

> Are there any "tricks" to improve the performance of merging an image
> (overlay) with a video?
> I have a video snippet (cropped from a larger video) that I then add an
> overlay to so additional data is added in the video. The png I use is the
> same size as the video source.  I typically notice a 3X time to merge the
> png and the video as compared to the length of the video clip. So, if the
> clip is 5 seconds long, it normally takes FFMpeg 15 seconds to merge them
> together to create a final video. I'm using a Pixel 3XL. Not THE fastest
> out there, but certainly in the upper tier.
> Is there anything that can be done to improve the performance?
> Thanks.
> Darrin
> [image: Mailtrack]
> <https://mailtrack.io?utm_source=gmail&utm_medium=signature&utm_campaign=signaturevirality5&> Sender
> notified by
> Mailtrack
> <https://mailtrack.io?utm_source=gmail&utm_medium=signature&utm_campaign=signaturevirality5&> 08/26/19,
> 10:15:02 AM

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