[FFmpeg-user] Why FFMPEG?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sun Aug 15 23:45:49 EEST 2021

Am 15.08.21 um 22:28 schrieb Android PowerUser:
> I forgot to mention that I am referring to the FFMPEG Android app.  Codec2
> cannot be used there.  On the desktop, of course, yes.  Since there is no
> description of how to integrate this, if that is even possible.  And AVC
> and HEVC can be used natively in FFMPEG in Android and it's super easy.
> And the codecs I mentioned are the best for their purposes.  In addition,
> if HEVC with the extremely complicated license invoice, in which the prices
> cannot even be calculated correctly because they constantly differ
> (depending on use) and a lot of companies are involved that you seem to
> have to ask all questions, then that will not be a problem with VVC
> because this time a network should take care that this should make this
> much easier.  He-aac is also added, why not xhe-aac too?  Even if USAC has
> strict patents, I would be surprised why a station wagon with he-aac is
> possible, but not the integration in FFMPEG.

i still need to see a real world usecase for video-encoding on a damned 
smartphone besides "because i can"

i still need to see a real world usecase for that codecs given that H264 
plays on every client, is efficient and fast

> Moritz Barsnick <barsnick at gmx.net> schrieb am So., 15. Aug. 2021, 21:47:
>> On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 21:28:12 +0200, Android PowerUser wrote:
>>> If FFMPEG is a collection of codecs then why are the most memory
>> efficient
>>> codecs not available. The most memory-efficient waveform encoder xhe-aac,
>>> the most memory-efficient video codec VVC, the most memory-efficient
>> image
>>> codec AVIF
>> What are you trying to say? Which media framework are you using instead
>> which supports these?
>>> ISOBMFF as in HEIF), not even the most memory-efficient vocoder Codec2
>> can
>>> be used without other downloads.
>> "without other downloads"? If you mean libocdec2: Some other team made
>> an effort to create a usable library, and ffmpeg makes use of it.
>> Where's the problem? The same is the case for H.264 via libx264 and
>> HEVC via libx265. (ffmpeg has no native encoders for these either.)
>>> So a cross-device codec collection is a good idea, but then you should do
>>> it right. I can't help with that, but those who can and have so far
>>> partially done it should end it.  Otherwise it doesn't make any sense ...
>>> right?
>> Creating and integrating codecs is not done easily. If you can't
>> contribute with code, you can surely sponsor a group of developers.
>> It does make sense though: HEVC is still being established, so
>> widespread use of VVC seems far away. Sure, a leading codec would be
>> nice, and I'm sure it's in the making, but it doesn't just appear
>> magically.

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