[FFmpeg-user] FFmpeg list footer

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue Mar 9 14:12:33 EET 2021

Am 09.03.21 um 13:09 schrieb Jim Hollingsworth:
> How about somebody remove those who have unsubscribed 10 times!!!!

how about confirm the unsubscribe?
how about relaize that the list members you spam with "unsubscribe" 
can't do it for you?

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> On Mar 9, 2021, at 6:29 AM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net> wrote:
> Am 09.03.21 um 12:23 schrieb Peter White:
>>> sorry, but i fell insulted when i get explained how to walk on each and
>>> every mail bottom
>> I wouldn't. It is just an additional set of reminders which anybody who
>> knows how to work can happily ignore.
> i am annoyed by the current footer because it's large enough and get quoted as well as all sort of useless disclaimers again and again
>>> how do you even think that would help?
>> Maybe it would reduce the number of people doing this.
> i doubt
>>> look at that bunch of idiots which repleatly ignore the "don't top post" and
>>> how do you imagine would a list-footer with the sentence change that
>>> look at the bunch of idiots quoting the list footer 1,,2 or even 3 times in
>>> their replies and you see they don't give a shit
>>> look at the bunch of idiots taking a random message, press reply-all and
>>> change the subject to "unsubscribe"
>> Yes, there will always be those that ignore everything. But I think
>> there are some who are just new or unfamiliar with the style of mailing
>> lists. If only some of those read the footer and act accordingly, there
>> would be less of those reminder messages.
> this belongs in the welcome-message after subscrfiption and idiots which don't read or understand it have to be unsubscribed - case closed
>>> so in the real world the bunch of idiots with no brain and no capabilities
>>> for operate a mail client don't give a shit whatever spam you place at the
>>> bottom of each mail
>> I think it is not about that bunch of idiots but about the ignorant ones
>> (as in: "sorry, didn't know that").
> and you *really* think they would have read the list footer?
>>> you only insult the others explaining them daily how to walk
>> Do you really think that? I, for one, do not even notice the footer
>> anymore, since I know its content. Maybe other subscribers do the same
> i see this fucking footer quoted multiple times in the middle fo messages way too often

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