[FFmpeg-user] FFMpeg - How to get the filesize in advance after encoding

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue May 24 13:57:52 EEST 2022

Am 24.05.22 um 12:55 schrieb Ralph Spitzner:
> Reindl Harald wrote on 5/24/22 12:41 PM:
> mpossible to answer
>> why he writes than "after encoding?"
> maybe it's clear to him, in hist native language.
> As far as I understood it, reading the thread: he wants to do some 'on 
> the fly'
> encoding of a sourcevideo and present a content-legth: header  of the 
> result to the client.
> (for whatever reason)
> I think the problem here is communication, but then again I might be 
> wrong :-)

there is no reason for a Content-Length header and that's common sense

Chunked transfer encoding allows a server to maintain an HTTP persistent 
connection for dynamically generated content. In this case, the HTTP 
Content-Length header cannot be used to delimit the content and the next 
HTTP request/response, as the content size is not yet known.

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