[FFmpeg-user] "Bitrate" function in udp out don't working

Marton Balint cus at passwd.hu
Thu Sep 15 21:28:32 EEST 2022

On Thu, 15 Sep 2022, Online video wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have problem with ffmpeg in Windows. "Bitrate" function in udp out don't
> work correctly. I can set any bitrate, it will be no more than 1.35 Mbps.
> For example:  "udp://"
> In Linux it work correctly, bitrate of stream is in accordance with set.
> Has anyone experienced this?

As far as I remember on Windows the sleep API as used by ffmpeg provides 
less accurate timing, and no platform-specific timers are implemented for 
Windows which could provide higher accuracy. You can try 
setting/increasing burst_bits which should increase the bitrate but cause 
slighly bigger bursts.


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