[FFmpeg-user] about HD530 using hevc_qsv encode 's problem

vango amd vango2008 at outlook.com
Thu Aug 3 17:50:55 EEST 2023

I’m try using ffmpeg to encode HEVC video in Windows 10 , just like  this
ffmpeg -ss 10:00 -i test.mkv -to 0:30 -c:v hevc_qsv  test2.mkv
the ouput file test2.mkv can be played , but it  can’t be fast forward or back forward, once use the left key or right key to seek the movie,
the video will be frozen.
I’ve tried some paras ,  -idr_interval  …
They all can’t work.
How can I solve this problem

My CPU i5-6500
Video card is HD530
Memory 16G

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