[FFmpeg-user] How to preserve file time

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at CoSoCo.de
Sat Aug 17 23:33:09 EEST 2024

Am 17.08.24 um 22:10 schrieb Bouke / Videotoolshed:
> ..., it will be ‘another’ file with the same name.
And WHAT then happens with the original file, when write creates ANOTHER file ???
> The user input is parsed as ‘if file exists and not -y in line, abort’
Yes, and so we have 3 OS calls extra for that funtionality, 1st query for existence, 2nd output to out stream and 3rd read from in stream.

> Of course not. Save (and for some apps autosave) NEVER asks to overwrite, you would get stark raving mad if it did.
If I open a GUI app, start typing a document and then press `save`and type a name of an existing file, it (hopefully) will ask me, if I'm willing to overwrite it. That's my experience.

> ’Save As’ however does ask, as you might want to destroy some work.

And in this case anyway (hopefully).

"You can spin ist as you want", in most cases I experience, the GUI app asks me.

Sorry if you have other experience.

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