[FFmpeg-user] Problem creating video segment from still image

John G. Heim jheim at math.wisc.edu
Wed Dec 4 05:28:01 EET 2024

The reason I didn't just do that was because I was afraid that rotating 
the image would rotate the picture itself. The photo is of me rappelling 
and  I didn't want to  make it look like I'm rappelling sideways. And, 
being blind, I would have no way to tell.

What I ended up doing was using the imagemagik "auto-orient" feature 
while stripping metadata and resizing thusly:

$ convert original.jpg  -auto-orient -strip -resize 1280x720 -background 
black -gravity center -extent 1280x720 fixed.jpg

The guy who took the photo  happened to stop by today so I just asked 
him if the modified image still looked right -- it did. And when I used 
ffmpeg to turn it into a short video segment, it came out 1280:720, same 
as the video I took with my GoPro.  I was then able to splice it into my 
original video.


At about the 5:10 mark, the guy at the bottom of the cliff asks me to 
stop for a photo. It is that photo that I spliced in with a camera 
shutter sound effe ct. Technically, it worked fine. I can't tell how it 
looks though.

On 12/3/24 1:42 PM, Vincent Deconinck wrote:
>> This indicates that it should be rotated 90 degress clock-wise (I
> think). Something in ffmpeg's chain is taking that into consideration,
>> and rotating the image, but not reporting it in the console output
> Moritz is right.
> With ffmpeg, you can get that "orientation" info with :
> ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries side_data="rotation"
>   snapshot.jpg
> rotation=-90
> [/FRAME]
> Kind regards,
> Vincent
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