[FFmpeg-user] Reordering frames in corrupt GoPro videos

Mark Filipak markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 01:48:38 EEST 2024

On 11/07/2024 18.05, Vincent Deconinck wrote:
> Hi,
> A few months ago, my GoPro randomly started creating some corrupt (or
> partly-corrupt) video files, mixing up frames and causing jaggy playback.To
> illustrate the case, here is an excerpt I generated with "ffmpeg -c copy"
> from a corrupt source file :
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GD7YiVS2z8h0r6UdsPPIXFgnh9RukoeR/view?usp=sharing

> Or can you advise another way to fix the files ?
> Thanks for your help,
> Vincent

Hey, Vincent,

Try this:
-filter_complex "shuffleframes=<pattern>"
It's worked for me.


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