[FFmpeg-user] key frame

Mark Filipak markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 23:39:46 EEST 2024

Hello All,

I'm considering buying professional video software to evaluate and analyze FFmpeg trims and splices 
and for troubleshooting. My objective is to improve my edits, and to improve FFmpeg. I'm retired, I 
have plenty of time, I have plenty of money.

 From here:
"I-frames are also known as key frames because their content is independent of any other frames and 
they can be used as a reference for other frames."

If "key frame" is simply another name for an I-frame, why are there two names? pdr0 & Balling at 
trac.ffmpeg.org hint that key frames are specific I-frames with specific methods but they don't 
elaborate and I don't want to burden them.

I'd appreciate an explanation of 'key frame', or a link to an existing explanation of course. All I 
can find is keyframe animation, which of course is a technique, not an MPEG method.

Thank you,

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