[FFmpeg-user] Alternative MP4 file extensions compatibility

Enrico Palmeri enrico14569 at yahoo.it
Sun May 5 12:30:15 EEST 2024

Hi, I normallyuse Ffmpeg to cut and join AAC audio files with concat and 
SS copy commands. These commands work with general mp4 file container 
and .mp4 file extension only. Most of the mp4 files contain also a 
videotrack, but many apps produce audio only AAC files with .m4a 
extension for general audio, .m4b extension for audiobooks and .m4r 
extension for ringtones instead of the general .mp4 extension. In order 
to work with these files, I am am forced to rename the file extension 
everytime. I woulb be confortable if FFmpeg was able to deal with these 
alternative extesions for mpeg-4 audio files.

Thank you for your interest

Yours faithfully

Enrico Palmeri

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