[FFserver-user] ffserver not starting: Address family not supported

Oliver Seitz info at vtnd.de
Wed Aug 24 15:31:23 CEST 2011


I'm running a freshly installed debian wheezy. ffserver, be it the git 
version or a compiled release 0.8.2 version or even a debian-packaged 
0.6.2-4:0.6.2-5 version refuses to start using the sample .conf file.

Output is like this:

ffserver version 0.8.2, Copyright (c) 2000-2011 the FFmpeg developers
   built on Aug 24 2011 14:46:40 with gcc 4.6.1
   libavutil    51.  9. 1 / 51.  9. 1
   libavcodec   53.  7. 0 / 53.  7. 0
   libavformat  53.  4. 0 / 53.  4. 0
   libavdevice  53.  1. 1 / 53.  1. 1
   libavfilter   2. 23. 0 /  2. 23. 0
   libswscale    2.  0. 0 /  2.  0. 0
bind(port 8090): Address family not supported by protocol
Wed Aug 24 15:20:04 2011 Could not start server

I'm used to find something on google... but not this time ;-)
Can anyone give me a hint on where to look? If any additional info is 
needed, please ask.



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