[FFserver-user] live video streaming to many users ?

adminrezo.0441992b adminrezo.0441992b at ac-nantes.fr
Tue Mar 20 15:26:33 CET 2012

Hi Oliver,

yes when reading the doc, it seams that ffserver does not encode,
as I can watch, some configurations (like fps, gop, bitrate) must better 
be put in the ffserver config file, instead of the arguments passed when 
calling ffmpeg.
That means, there is a special communication (I would call this a "ffm 
protocol ") from ffserver to ffmpeg.
Sometime when there is some conflict in the configuration in ffserver 
and ffmpeg, this can crash down ffmpeg  (I could watch this beheaviour 
when trying to stream ogg format).

I gave up with the ffmpeg provided with my ubuntu distribution (10.04 
lts) : too old, and not compiled with lame-mp3.
V 0.10 compiled from source was buggy (and needed a lot of updates)

v 0.6.5  compiled with x264 and lame-mp3 almost working, but consumes a 
lot of CPU  (because of lame-mp3 ???) (about 44% for ffmpeg, about 44% 
for ffserver) and partly buggy :
trying to stream  swf format  (video=flv, audio=mp3)
- stream seems to be frozen after a while on VLC
- video seems to make a round-turn on VLC

For the moment, I can not get working configuration for x264+mp3, and 
what streaming format should I use with it ?

Le 09/03/2012 17:37, Oliver Seitz a écrit :
> AFAIK, ffserver does not encode. You can easily check if ffserver uses 
> a lot of CPU.

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