[FFserver-user] not able to replay video from .ffm recorded earlier

Anthony Brown av at bsbc.nb.ca
Thu Sep 6 20:54:19 CEST 2012

On 12-09-06 03:38 PM, Yogesh Tyagi wrote:
> do I need to feed to the same ffm file using ffmpeg each time I start a client?
> Regards,
> yogesh
> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Anthony Brown <av at bsbc.nb.ca> wrote:
>> On 12-09-06 03:21 PM, Yogesh Tyagi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am not able to replay video from .ffm recorded earlier . ffplay or
>>> any other player plays the file only when I feed the ffserver through
>>> ffmpeg.
>>> when I give command "ffplay "
>>> sometimes it plays the file from start. sometime it does not play the
>>> file at all. Why the behaviour of ffserver is not consistent.
>>> Do I need to feed server through ffmpeg encoder continuously or can I
>>> feed it once and play the file from multiple clients many times?
>> ffmpeg ought to be able to read the ffm file and be able to output to
>> something that other players can read.  And, provided that the data is being
>> buffered in the ffm file (File path set properly and FileMaxSize big enough
>> to hold all the data) you can feed multiple clients at different times.  You
>> may need to specify the time that you are trying to seek to in your http:
>> request.

I'm not sure what you mean by feed the file each time you start the 
client.  The way ffserver is supposed to work is it is fed incoming data 
through an instance of ffmpeg, which may optionally be started 
automatically by the server.  The ffmpeg instance takes the usual 
arguments -i indicating the source (I use - for stdin to capture a live 
firewire feed) and the output file is the .ffm URL specified in the 
ffserver configuration.  This data is placed in the .ffm file and can be 
read out by any client, using the URL(s) specified for the streams in 
the ffserver.conf file, at any time so long as

1) ffserver is still running
2) the requested video segment is in the ffm file.

I use ffserver to timeshift the live video.  I can specify what time I 
want to start playback at using a url like 
http://w.x.y.x/stream1.mpg?date=20120906T15:53:00 to play back the video 
that was *recorded* at 15:53 today.

Please don't top-post.



Anthony Brown
Audiovisual coordinator
Brunswick Street Baptist Church
Telephone: (506)-458-8348 (leave message)
Email:     av at bsbc.nb.ca
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