[Libav-user] Theora stream to AVI
Stefano Luceri
stefano.luceri at agilex.it
Wed Aug 10 16:10:55 CEST 2011
I’m new to ffmpeg. I’m writing a code for converting a theora stream into an
AVI file. I’ve converted theora packets into jpeg images and I’ve seen that
using ffmpeg command line it’s possible to create an AVI file from these.
I’m reading libav docs but I can find a proper starting point to do this in
my code.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
Thank you
Stefano Luceri
Software engineer
Tel. +39 0832 092789
Fax +39 0832 1785149
Mobile +39 340 4883567
E-mail <mailto:stefano.luceri at agilex.it> stefano.luceri at agilex.it
<http://www.agilex.it/> www.agilex.it
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