[Libav-user] Would anyone find an OS X / Cocoa / Swift wrapper for Libav useful?

Bradley O'Hearne brado at bighillsoftware.com
Mon Jan 26 06:45:10 CET 2015

On Jan 25, 2015, at 10:28 PM, Thomas Worth <dev at rarevision.com> wrote:

> Have you given AVFoundation a try? Is portability critical? Why stress over ffmpeg when you've got AVFoundation?

Hey Thomas….thanks for the reply. To answer your question: I’m dealing with several use-cases, and across all of those use cases, there’s a number of reasons: 

- In one use-case, I have to support QTKit, not AVFoundation.

- In another use-case, I have to support Snow Leopard, in which AVFoundation does not exist. 

- I do not believe that AVFoundation supports per-frame encoding, it supports encoding for whole assets or inputs — I believe per-frame encoding is only provided in the VideoToolbox framework as of OS X Mavericks. 

- In the other use-cases, which have the luxury of using any OS X version (and thus, AVFoundation can be used) there are codecs and video formats required which AVFoundation does not support. 

- Presently Apple does not have any public framework that provides real-time network video streaming capabilities, and with certain protocols (like RTSP or RTMP). 

If an app only has to be Yosemite (or possibly Mavericks) compatible with and encoder and video format supported (which my present requirements don’t yet allow), I believe AVFoundation / VideoToolbox / AudioToolbox could handle the capture and encoding needs in my use-case. But I’d still have to have the stream-publishing needs handled by a third-party library like FFmpeg or LIVE555. 


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