[Libav-user] IntPtr to Packet data is not woking

Gonzalo Garramuño ggarra13 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 23:37:21 EET 2017

El 14/02/17 a las 08:00, Prakash Rokade escribió:
> I have created CLI/CPP wrapper over Ffmpe,
> And i want to write audio to file that is in IntPtr format.
> I don't know how to do, can any one suggest something..
> Thank You.
You need to select a codec to save your audio in and initialize it 
appropiately.  Then use the swresample part of ffmpeg to turn your int 
samples into what the codec expects (for example, planar float or fltp ).
The docs/examples/muxing.c should prove useful.

Gonzalo Garramuño

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