[Libav-user] Unable to mux an audio only webm file using libavformat from a opus audio stream

ravikiran.bs ravikiran.bs at zohocorp.com
Thu Feb 15 16:47:56 EET 2018


I am trying to mux a opus audio stream to a webm file. (I know audio only can be muxed into a ogg container. I tried that. But, FFMpeg is not detecting the file format when I write the file headers using avformat_write_header() of libavformat). I have configured the FFMpeg build with --enable-libopus and --enable-libvorbis. Now, after writing the audio data when I call  av_write_trailer() to close the file, it is throwing the following error :

"Only VP8 or VP9 video and Vorbis or Opus audio and WebVTT subtitles are supported for WebM."

And, av_write_trailer() is returning a -22 value, meaning "Invalid arguments". I am not able to find what invalid arguments I have passed here and why FFMpeg is throwing the above message when writing the trailer ? Please help.


Ravi Kiran B S

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