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<p>Correct me if I'm wrong:<br>
On a 16x16 macroblock, considering abcd are the vertical boundaries, and efgh are the horizontal one:<br>
<p>/* Filtering a */<br>
filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*0<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0);<br>
/* Filtering b */<br>
filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*1<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0);<br>
/* Filtering c */<br>
filter_mb_edgev( &img_y[4*2<<pixel_shift], linesize, bS3, qp, a, b, h, 0);<br>
So what should I do to get p0,p1 in img_y ?<br>
ps: Sorry about the double post, but I wanted to be clear about my question.<br>
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<div id="divRplyFwdMsg" dir="ltr"><font style="font-size:11pt" color="#000000" face="Calibri, sans-serif"><b>De :</b> libav-user-bounces@ffmpeg.org <libav-user-bounces@ffmpeg.org> de la part de Nicolas Derouineau <nicolas.derouineau@vitec.com><br>
<b>Envoyé :</b> lundi 1 septembre 2014 16:04<br>
<b>À :</b> libav-user@ffmpeg.org<br>
<b>Objet :</b> [Libav-user] filter_mb_edge</font>
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I would like to understand the prototype of this function: </p>
filter_mb_edgeh(uint8_t *pix, int stride,<br>
const int16_t bS[4],<br>
unsigned int qp, int a, int b,<br>
H264Context *h, int intra)<br>
Let's say I want to check the filtering condition on p0,1,2 and q0,1,2 . How am I supposed to read the pix buffer to get them ?<br>