<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi, everyone:<br></div>I am new to ffmpeg. Recently I am working on project to port ffmpeg to android device.<br></div>At
the beginning, I compiled ffmpeg to shared libs(.so files) in a very
normal way following some guides on Internet, load them into my android
app. It works perfectly.<br></div>Now I want ffmpeg to use libstagefright to fulfill HW decoding.<br></div>The problem is, I can compile the .so libs, but when I launch my app and load those .so libs, there is always a java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:<br></div>Cannot load library: reloc_library[1314]: 114 cannot locate '_ZN7android11MediaBufferC1Ej'<br></div>I
stuck there for a few days. Does anyone encountered any similar
problems before? It would be great if someone can give me some hint
about this error.<br><br></div>My steps:<br></div>1. Compile
ffmpeg-2.1.4 souce code to .so shared libs. I use the
build_libstagefright script to do this, and make some modification based
on some guides from Internet. The script is on the attachment.<br></div>2. Copy the compiled include and lib directories to my android-ndk-r7/sources/ffmpeg-2.1.4/android/arm directory. The Android.mk under this dir is in the attachment(Android.mk1).<br></div>3. Under the jni directory of my android app, the Android.mk and Application.mk files are in the attachment.<br><br></div>I am not sure what else materials you need, if anything is missing, please let me know, I will upload it.<br></div>Thank you guys very much!!! </div>