[FFmpeg-user] Help with Concatenating Please

Mark Scott mark_scott at charlietango.com
Thu Apr 4 17:58:31 EEST 2019

Thank you for the Info, Jim. Here's the command line that I use to batch
encode ProRes HQ. My master files are already the correct size and frame
rate, so that info is not included.

mkdir outputs
for f in *.mov; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -c:v prores -profile:v 3 -movflags
+write_colr -c:a pcm_s24le "outputs/${f%.*}.mov"; done

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 6:59 PM Jim DeLaHunt <list+ffmpeg-user at jdlh.com>

> Hello, Mark:
> Welcome to the ffmpeg-user mailing list. I hope you are able to find out
> what you need, and get good use out of *ffmpeg*.
> On 2019-04-03 14:01, Mark Scott wrote:
> > …I need to add 2 seconds of black silent video to the head of
> > the encoded file. Would this be accomplished by concatenating the
> original
> > video file, with a separate video file that has the 2 seconds of black?
> That is one way to do it.  A better way is to use the video source
> "color" <http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#color> to generate
> solid-colour video of the form you need, at run time. Use the audio
> source "aevalsrc" <http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#aevalsrc> to
> generate silence. Then use the video filter "concat"
> <http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#concat-3> to concatenate the video
> streams together.
> Here is the skeleton of "color" and "concat" in use. (I have not tested
> this, and I have discarded audio sources, and this should all be one line):
>     ffmpeg -i in.mov -an -filter_complex 'color=black:duration=2.0
> [black]; [black] [0:0] concat=n=2:v=1:a=0 [v]'
>       -map '[v]' out.mov
> On 2019-04-03 14:01, Mark Scott wrote:
> > …I need to take an Apple ProRes 4444 file, 1920x1080, 23.98 fps, 16 bit
> > integer stereo audio,
> > and encode it to be Apple ProRes 422 HQ 1920X1080, 23.98fps 24bit integer
> > stereo audio….
> Obviously, my skeleton above doesn't do all this.  Have you worked out
> how to make *ffmpeg* do the conversion you need from ProRes 4444 to
> ProRes 422 HQ?  If so, maybe a good next step is to post the complete,
> uncut command line and output which does this conversion to this list.
> Maybe someone will be able to help you fold in the "color" and
> "aevalsrc" and "concat" filters to that.
> On 2019-04-03 14:01, Mark Scott wrote:
> > I'm very new to ffmpeg and I don't have much experience using command
> lines
> > to encode video….
> Ah. You are in for an adventure, then. *ffmpeg* can do many things, but
> "gently introduce people to use of command lines" is not usually one of
> them. :-)
> I hope this helps!
> --
>      --Jim DeLaHunt, jdlh at jdlh.com     http://blog.jdlh.com/ (
> http://jdlh.com/)
>        multilingual websites consultant
>        355-1027 Davie St, Vancouver BC V6E 4L2, Canada
>           Canada mobile +1-604-376-8953
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mark scott | video distribution

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