A64Context | |
A64MuxerContext | |
AACAC3ParseContext | |
AACADTSHeaderInfo | |
AACBSFContext | |
AACCoefficientsEncoder | |
AACContext | Main AAC context |
AACEncContext | AAC encoder context |
AACEncOptions | |
aacPlusAudioContext | |
AacPsyBand | Information for single band used by 3GPP TS26.403-inspired psychoacoustic model |
AacPsyChannel | Single/pair channel context for psychoacoustic model |
AacPsyCoeffs | Psychoacoustic model frame type-dependent coefficients |
AacPsyContext | 3GPP TS26.403-inspired psychoacoustic model specific data |
AACPsyContext | Context used by psychoacoustic model |
AascContext | |
ABufferSourceContext | |
AC3BitAllocParameters | |
AC3Block | Data for a single audio block |
AC3DecodeContext | |
AC3DSPContext | |
AC3EncodeContext | AC-3 encoder private context |
AC3EncOptions | Encoding Options used by AVOption |
AC3HeaderInfo | Coded AC-3 header values up to the lfeon element, plus derived values |
AC3Mant | |
AConvertContext | |
ACTContext | |
addrinfo | |
ADPCMChannelStatus | |
ADPCMDecodeContext | |
ADPCMEncodeContext | |
ADTSContext | |
ADXChannelState | |
ADXContext | |
ADXDemuxerContext | |
ADXParseContext | |
AFormatContext | |
AIFFInputContext | |
AIFFOutputContext | |
al_data | |
al_format_info | |
ALACContext | |
AlacEncodeContext | |
AlacLPCContext | |
algo | |
AlsaData | |
ALSBlockData | |
ALSChannelData | |
ALSDecContext | |
ALSSpecificConfig | |
AMRContext | |
AMRFixed | Sparse representation for the algebraic codebook (fixed) vector |
AMRNBFrame | AMRNB unpacked data frame |
AMRNBSubframe | AMRNB unpacked data subframe |
AMRWBContext | |
AMRWBFrame | |
AMRWBSubFrame | |
AnmContext | |
AnmDemuxContext | |
AnsiContext | |
ANullContext | |
APEContext | Decoder context |
APEFilter | Filters applied to the decoded data |
APEFrame | |
APEPredictor | Filter histories |
APERangecoder | |
APERice | |
AppleHTTPContext | |
AResampleContext | |
ASFContext | |
ASFIndex | |
ASFMainHeader | |
ASFStream | |
AspectContext | |
ASS | Structure containing the whole split ASS data |
ASSCodesCallbacks | Set of callback functions corresponding to each override codes that can be encountered in a "Dialogue" Text field |
AssContext | |
ASSContext | |
ASSDialog | Fields extracted from the [Events] section |
ASSFields | |
ASSScriptInfo | Fields extracted from the [Script Info] section |
ASSSection | |
ASSSplitContext | |
ASSStyle | Fields extracted from the [V4(+) Styles] section |
ASV1Context | |
AT1Ctx | The atrac1 context, holds all needed parameters for decoding |
AT1SUCtx | Sound unit struct, one unit is used per channel |
Atom | |
ATRAC3Context | |
AttrNameMap | |
AudioChannelMap | |
AudioConvert | |
AudioData | |
AudioInterleaveContext | |
AudioTrack | |
AuraDecodeContext | |
av_aes_block | |
av_alias | |
AVABufferSinkParams | Struct to use for initializing an abuffersink context |
AVAudioConvert | |
AVBitStreamFilter | |
AVBitStreamFilterContext | |
AVBufferSinkParams | Struct to use for initializing a buffersink context |
AVChapter | |
AVClass | Describe the class of an AVClass context structure |
AVCodec | AVCodec |
AVCodecContext | Main external API structure |
AVCodecDefault | |
AVCodecGuid | |
AVCodecInternal | |
AVCodecParser | |
AVCodecParserContext | |
AVCodecTag | |
AVComponentDescriptor | |
AVDictionary | |
AVDictionaryEntry | |
AVExpr | |
AVExtFloat | |
AVFifoBuffer | |
AVFilter | Filter definition |
AVFilterBuffer | A reference-counted buffer data type used by the filter system |
AVFilterBufferRef | A reference to an AVFilterBuffer |
AVFilterBufferRefAudioProps | Audio specific properties in a reference to an AVFilterBuffer |
AVFilterBufferRefVideoProps | Video specific properties in a reference to an AVFilterBuffer |
AVFilterCommand | |
AVFilterContext | An instance of a filter |
AVFilterFormats | A list of supported formats for one end of a filter link |
AVFilterGraph | |
AVFilterInOut | A linked-list of the inputs/outputs of the filter chain |
AVFilterLink | A link between two filters |
AVFilterPad | A filter pad used for either input or output |
AVFilterPool | |
AVFormatContext | Format I/O context |
AVFormatParameters | |
AVFrac | The exact value of the fractional number is: 'val + num / den' |
AVFrame | Audio Video Frame |
AVHWAccel | AVHWAccel |
AVIContext | |
AVIIentry | |
AVIIndex | |
AVIndexEntry | |
AVInputFormat | |
AVInteger | |
AVIOContext | Bytestream IO Context |
AVIOInterruptCB | Callback for checking whether to abort blocking functions |
AVIStream | |
AVISynthContext | |
AVISynthStream | |
AVMD5 | |
AVMetadataConv | |
AVOption | AVOption |
AVOutputFormat | |
AVPacket | |
AVPacketList | |
AVPaletteControl | AVPaletteControl This structure defines a method for communicating palette changes between and demuxer and a decoder |
AVPanScan | Pan Scan area |
AVParserState | Structure to store parser state of AVFormat |
AVParserStreamState | Structure to store parser state of one AVStream |
AVPicture | Four components are given, that's all |
AVPixFmtDescriptor | Descriptor that unambiguously describes how the bits of a pixel are stored in the up to 4 data planes of an image |
AVProbeData | This structure contains the data a format has to probe a file |
AVProfile | AVProfile |
AVProgram | New fields can be added to the end with minor version bumps |
AVRational | Rational number numerator/denominator |
AVRC4 | |
AVResampleContext | |
avs_format | |
AvsContext | |
AVSContext | |
AVSHA | Hash context |
AVStream | Stream structure |
AVSubtitle | |
AVSubtitleRect | |
AVSyncPoint | Helper structure describing keyframe search state of one stream |
AVTreeNode | |
Band | Subband structure - hold all variables for each subband |
BandCodingPath | Structure used in optimal codebook search |
BethsoftvidContext | |
BFIContext | |
BinDemuxContext | |
BinkAudioContext | |
BinkContext | |
BinkDemuxContext | |
BinkDSPContext | |
BitAlloc | Bit allocation |
BitBuf | |
BlackFrameContext | |
Block | |
BlockInfo | |
BlockNode | |
BMPContext | |
BMVAudioDecContext | |
BMVContext | |
BMVDecContext | |
BoxBlurContext | |
buff_data | |
BufferSinkContext | |
BufferSourceContext | |
BufPic | |
Bundle | Data structure used for decoding single Bink data type |
BVID_DemuxContext | |
C93BlockRecord | |
C93DecoderContext | |
C93DemuxContext | |
CABACContext | |
CAFContext | |
CaffContext | |
CamStudioContext | |
cavs_vector | |
CAVSDSPContext | |
CdataDemuxContext | |
CDGraphicsContext | |
CDIOContext | |
CelEvaluation | |
Cell | |
cell_s | In the ELBG jargon, a cell is the set of points that are closest to a codebook entry |
CellAutoContext | |
CFrameBuffer | |
channel_unit | |
ChannelCoupling | Coupling parameters |
ChannelData | |
ChannelElement | Channel element - generic struct for SCE/CPE/CCE/LFE |
ChannelParams | Sample data coding information |
ChapterContext | |
CHDContext | |
CIDEntry | |
CinAudioContext | |
CinDemuxContext | |
CinepakContext | |
CinFileHeader | |
CinFrameHeader | |
CinVideoContext | |
CLJRContext | |
CmvContext | |
Code | One code in hash table |
CodeBook | |
CodecMime | |
CodecTags | |
CodingSpool | |
CoefVLCTable | |
ColorContext | |
ColorEntry | |
comp_types | |
CompactContext | |
component | |
CompressionOptions | |
concat_data | |
concat_nodes | |
Context | support non continuous caching support keeping files support filling with a background thread |
cook | |
cook_gains | |
COOKSubpacket | |
cpucaps_s | |
CRCState | |
CropContext | |
CropDetectContext | |
CryptoContext | |
CustomSource | |
cvid_codebook | |
cvid_strip | |
CyuvDecodeContext | |
DataRateData | |
DBCtx | |
dc1394_color_coding | |
dc1394_data | |
dc1394_frame_rate | |
DCAContext | |
DCADSPContext | |
DCAParseContext | |
DCTContext | |
dec_2dvlc | |
Decorr | |
DelogoContext | |
DeshakeContext | |
DfaContext | |
DigestParams | |
DilateContext | |
dirac_source_params | |
DiracArith | |
DiracBlock | |
DiracContext | |
DiracDecoderParams | Single frame returned from Dirac |
DiracDSPContext | |
DiracEncoderParams | Dirac encoder private data |
DiracFrame | |
DiracParseContext | Find the end of the current frame in the bitstream |
DiracParseUnit | |
DiracSchroEncodedFrame | Single encoded frame returned from Dirac or Schroedinger |
DiracSchroQueue | A simple queue implementation used in libdirac and libschroedinger |
DiracSchroQueueElement | Queue element |
DiracSchroVideoFormatInfo | |
Dispositions | |
DNXHDContext | |
DNXHDEncContext | |
DPB | Decoded Picture Buffer (DPB) |
DPCMContext | |
DPXContext | |
DrawBoxContext | |
DrawTextContext | |
dshow_ctx | |
DSPContext | DSPContext |
dv1394_data | |
dv1394_init | |
dv1394_status | |
dv_vlc_pair | |
DVBSubContext | |
DVBSubDisplayDefinition | |
DVBSubObject | |
DVBSubObjectDisplay | |
DVBSubParseContext | |
DVBSubRegion | |
DVBSubRegionDisplay | |
DVBSubtitleContext | |
DVDemuxContext | |
DVDSubContext | |
DVDSubParseContext | |
DVMuxContext | |
DVprofile | |
DVVideoContext | |
DVwork_chunk | |
DWTCompose | |
DWTContext | |
DXAContext | |
DxaDecContext | |
dxva2_picture_context | |
dxva_context | This structure is used to provides the necessary configurations and data to the DXVA2 FFmpeg HWAccel implementation |
DynamicRangeControl | Dynamic Range Control - decoded from the bitstream but not processed further |
DynBuffer | |
EaDemuxContext | |
EarwaxContext | |
Ebml | |
ebml_master | |
EbmlBin | |
EbmlList | |
EbmlSyntax | |
EightBpsContext | |
EightSvxContext | Decoder context |
elbg_data | ELBG internal data |
EncBlockInfo | |
eq2_param_t | |
Escape124Context | |
Escape130Context | |
EvalContext | |
FaacAudioContext | |
FadeContext | |
FBDevContext | |
FCBParam | Optimized fixed codebook excitation parameters |
FeedData | |
ff_timecode | |
FFIIRFilterCoeffs | IIR filter global parameters |
FFIIRFilterState | IIR filter state |
FFMContext | |
FFPsyBand | Single band psychoacoustic information |
FFPsyChannel | Single channel psychoacoustic information |
FFPsyChannelGroup | Psychoacoustic information for an arbitrary group of channels |
FFPsyContext | Context used by psychoacoustic model |
FFPsyModel | Codec-specific psychoacoustic model implementation |
FFPsyPreprocessContext | |
FFPsyWindowInfo | Windowing related information |
FFRawVideoDemuxerContext | |
FFStream | |
FFTCoefficient | |
FFTComplex | |
FFTContext | |
FFTDComplex | |
FFTTone | |
FFV1Context | |
FieldOrderContext | |
FifoContext | |
FileLogContext | |
film_sample | |
FilmDemuxContext | |
FilmstripDemuxContext | |
FilmstripMuxContext | |
FilterParam | |
FilterParams | Filter data |
FLACContext | |
FlacEncodeContext | |
FlacFrame | |
FLACFrameInfo | |
FLACHeaderMarker | |
FLACParseContext | |
FLACStreaminfo | |
FlacSubframe | |
FlashSV2Context | |
FlashSVContext | |
FlicDecodeContext | |
FlicDemuxContext | |
FlipContext | |
Float11 | G.726 11bit float |
float754 | |
FLVContext | |
FLVStreamContext | |
fmt_map | |
FmtConvertContext | |
FormatContext | |
FormatEntry | |
FourXContext | |
FourxmDemuxContext | |
Frame | |
frame_attributes | |
frame_header | |
frame_stats | |
frame_type_desc | Description of frame types |
FrameCode | |
frameinfo | |
FrameListData | Portion of struct vpx_codec_cx_pkt from vpx_encoder.h |
FrameMode | Parameters and tables that are different for each frame type |
FrameThreadContext | Context stored in the client AVCodecContext thread_opaque |
FrapsContext | Local variable storage |
Frei0rContext | |
ft_error | |
G722Context | |
G722Context::G722Context::G722Band | The band[0] and band[1] correspond respectively to the lower band and higher band |
G722Context::G722Context::TrellisNode | |
G722Context::G722Context::TrellisPath | |
g723_1_context | |
G723_1_Subframe | G723.1 unpacked data subframe |
G726Context | |
G726Tables | |
G729Context | |
G729DemuxerContext | |
G729FormatDescription | |
gain_block | |
gain_info | |
GetBitContext | |
GetByteContext | |
GIFContext | |
GifState | |
GopherContext | |
GradFunContext | Holds instance-specific information for gradfun |
GranuleDef | |
GSMContext | |
GSMDemuxerContext | |
GUIDoffset | |
gxf_stream_info | |
GXFContext | |
GXFStreamContext | |
GXFTimecode | |
H261Context | H261Context |
H264BSFContext | |
H264Context | H264Context |
H264DSPContext | Context for storing H.264 DSP functions |
H264PredContext | Context for storing H.264 prediction functions |
HFParam | Harmonic filter parameters |
HintSample | |
HintSampleQueue | |
hnode | |
HQDN3DContext | |
HTTPAuthState | HTTP Authentication state structure |
HTTPContext | |
HuffCode | |
HuffContext | Context used for code reconstructing |
HuffEntry | |
HuffTable | |
HYuvContext | |
IcoDemuxContext | |
IcoImage | |
ID3v2EMFunc | |
ID3v2ExtraMeta | |
ID3v2ExtraMetaGEOB | |
IdcinContext | |
IdcinDemuxContext | |
IdStrMap | |
IEC61937Context | |
IffContext | |
IffDemuxContext | |
IMbInfo | |
IMCContext | |
ImgUtils | |
Indeo3DecodeContext | |
IndividualChannelStream | Individual Channel Stream |
InputFile | |
InputStream | |
InterleavePacket | |
InternalBuffer | |
IntraX8Context | |
IPAddressACL | |
IPMVEContext | |
IpvideoContext | |
Ir2Context | |
IssDemuxContext | |
IVI4DecContext | |
IVI5DecContext | |
IVIBandDesc | Information for Indeo wavelet band |
IVIHuffDesc | Huffman codebook descriptor |
IVIHuffTab | Macroblock/block huffman table descriptor |
IVIMbInfo | Information for Indeo macroblock (16x16, 8x8 or 4x4) |
IVIPicConfig | |
IVIPlaneDesc | Color plane (luma or chroma) information |
IVITile | Information for Indeo tile |
J2kBand | |
J2kCblk | |
J2kCodingStyle | |
J2kComponent | |
J2kDecoderContext | |
J2kEncoderContext | |
J2kPass | |
J2kPrec | |
J2kQuantStyle | |
J2kResLevel | |
J2kT1Context | |
J2kTgtNode | |
J2kTile | |
JackData | |
JLSState | |
JpeglsContext | |
JSONContext | |
JvContext | |
JVDemuxContext | |
JVFrame | |
key_info | |
KgvContext | |
KLVPacket | |
KmvcContext | |
lag_rac | |
LagarithContext | |
LangEntry | |
LATMContext | |
LATMParseContext | |
LavfiContext | |
LclDecContext | |
LclEncContext | |
libAVEnumMediaTypes | |
libAVEnumPins | |
libAVFilter | |
libAVPin | |
libcelt_context | |
LibGSMDecodeContext | |
LibOpenJPEGContext | |
LibSpeexContext | |
LibSpeexEncContext | |
LifeContext | |
line | |
LLSModel | Linear least squares model |
LOCOContext | |
LongTermPrediction | Long Term Prediction |
lowdelay_slice | |
LPCContext | |
LutContext | |
LXFDemuxContext | |
LZOContext | |
LZWEncodeState | LZW encode state |
LZWState | |
MACEContext | |
MacroBlock | |
MadContext | |
mant_groups | Grouped mantissas for 3-level 5-level and 11-level quantization |
MatroskaAttachement | |
MatroskaBlock | |
MatroskaChapter | |
MatroskaCluster | |
MatroskaDemuxContext | |
MatroskaIndex | |
MatroskaIndexPos | |
MatroskaLevel | |
MatroskaMuxContext | |
MatroskaSeekhead | |
MatroskaTag | |
MatroskaTags | |
MatroskaTagTarget | |
MatroskaTrack | |
MatroskaTrackAudio | |
MatroskaTrackCompression | |
MatroskaTrackEncoding | |
MatroskaTrackOperation | |
MatroskaTrackPlane | |
MatroskaTrackVideo | |
MaxisXADemuxContext | |
MBContext | |
MDECContext | |
MetadataMap | Select an input file for an output file |
metrics | |
MicroDVDContext | |
MimicContext | |
Minima | |
MJpegContext | |
MJpegDecodeContext | |
MJPEGParserContext | |
mkv_cuepoint | |
mkv_cues | |
mkv_seekhead | |
mkv_seekhead_entry | |
mkv_track | |
MLPDecodeContext | |
MLPHeaderInfo | |
MLPParseContext | |
MMCO | Memory management control operation |
MmContext | |
MmDemuxContext | |
MMFContext | |
MMSContext | |
MMSHContext | |
MMSStream | |
MMSTContext | |
ModeTab | Parameters and tables that are different for every combination of bitrate/sample rate |
ModPlugContext | |
motion_vect | |
MotionEstContext | Motion estimation context |
MotionPixelsContext | |
MotionVector | |
MOVAtom | |
MovChannelLayout | |
MovChannelLayoutMap | |
MOVContext | |
MOVDref | |
MOVFragment | |
MovieContext | |
MOVIentry | |
MOVIndex | |
MOVMuxContext | |
MOVParseTableEntry | |
MOVStreamContext | |
MOVStsc | |
MOVStts | |
MOVTrackExt | |
Mp3AudioContext | |
MP3Context | |
Mp4Descr | |
MP4DescrParseContext | |
mp_codec_info_s | |
mp_colorkey_t | |
mp_image | |
mp_keymap | |
mp_win_t | |
MPADecodeContext | |
MPADecodeHeader | |
MPADSPContext | |
MPCContext | |
MPCFrame | |
MPContext | |
Mpeg1Context | |
MPEG4AudioConfig | |
MpegAudioContext | |
MpegAudioParseContext | |
MpegDemuxContext | |
MpegEncContext | MpegEncContext |
MpegMuxContext | |
MpegTSContext | |
MpegTSFilter | |
MpegTSPESFilter | |
MpegTSSection | |
MpegTSSectionFilter | |
MpegTSService | |
MpegTSWrite | |
MpegTSWriteStream | |
MPTestContext | |
MqcCxState | |
MqcState | |
MsrleContext | |
Msvideo1Context | |
Msvideo1EncContext | Encoder context |
MTVDemuxContext | |
MviDemuxContext | |
MVTable | |
MXFCodecUL | |
MXFContainerEssenceEntry | |
MXFContext | |
MXFCryptoContext | |
MXFDescriptor | |
MXFIndexEntry | |
MXFIndexTableSegment | |
MXFLocalTagPair | |
MXFMetadataReadTableEntry | |
MXFMetadataSet | |
MXFPackage | |
MXFPartition | |
MXFSequence | |
MXFStreamContext | |
MXFStructuralComponent | |
MXFTrack | |
MXGContext | |
MXpegDecodeContext | |
NellyMoserDecodeContext | |
NellyMoserEncodeContext | |
Node | |
NSVContext | |
NSVStream | |
NUTContext | |
NuvContext | |
NUVContext | |
OCVContext | |
OCVFilterEntry | |
ogg | |
ogg_codec | Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Ahlberg, Måns Rullgård |
ogg_state | |
ogg_stream | |
oggcelt_private | |
OGGContext | |
OGGPage | |
OGGPageList | |
OGGStreamContext | |
oggvorbis_private | Parse the vorbis header Vorbis Identification header from Vorbis_I_spec.html::vorbis-spec-codec [vorbis_version] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer | Not used [audio_channels] = read 8 bit integer as unsigned | Used [audio_sample_rate] = read 32 bits as unsigned integer | Used [bitrate_maximum] = read 32 bits as signed integer | Not used yet [bitrate_nominal] = read 32 bits as signed integer | Not used yet [bitrate_minimum] = read 32 bits as signed integer | Used as bitrate [blocksize_0] = read 4 bits as unsigned integer | Not Used [blocksize_1] = read 4 bits as unsigned integer | Not Used [framing_flag] = read one bit | Not Used |
OggVorbisContext | |
OMAContext | |
OpaqueList | |
OptionDef | |
OptionsContext | |
OutputFile | |
OutputStream | |
OverlayContext | |
PacketDesc | |
PacketQueue | |
PadContext | |
Page | |
Palette | |
PanContext | |
ParseContext | |
ParseContext1 | |
Parser | |
PayloadContext | RTP/H264 specific private data |
PayloadContext::PayloadContext::AUHeaders | Mpeg 4 AU headers |
PCA | |
PCMBRDecode | |
PCMDecode | |
PCXContext | |
PerThreadContext | Context used by codec threads and stored in their AVCodecContext thread_opaque |
PESContext | |
pgm_structure | Simple implementation of the PGM image format |
PGSSubContext | |
PGSSubPicture | |
PGSSubPresentation | |
PicContext | |
Picture | Picture |
PixdescTestContext | |
PixelFormatTag | |
PixFmtInfo | |
Plane | |
PlaneContext | |
PMbInfo | |
PMPContext | |
PNGDecContext | |
PNGEncContext | |
PNMContext | |
Point | |
PPContext | Postprocess context |
PPFilter | Postprocessng filter |
PPFParam | Pitch postfilter parameters |
PPMode | Postprocessng mode |
PPS | Picture parameter set |
Predictor | |
PredictorState | Predictor State |
print_buf | |
Program | |
ProresContext | |
ProresDSPContext | |
ProresThreadData | |
PSContext | |
PsyLamePreset | LAME psy model preset struct |
pthread_cond_t | |
pthread_t | |
PTXContext | |
pullup_buffer | |
pullup_context | |
pullup_field | |
pullup_frame | |
Pulse | |
PulseData | |
PutBitContext | |
PVAContext | |
QCELPBitmap | |
QCELPContext | |
QCELPFrame | QCELP unpacked data frame |
QCPContext | |
QDM2Complex | |
QDM2Context | QDM2 decoder context |
QDM2SubPacket | Subpacket |
QDM2SubPNode | A node in the subpacket list |
QdrawContext | |
QpegContext | |
QtrleContext | |
QtrleEncContext | |
R3DContext | |
RA144Context | |
RA288Context | |
range_t | |
RangeCoder | |
RateControlContext | Rate control context |
RateControlEntry | |
RawAudioDemuxerContext | |
RawDVContext | |
RawVideoContext | |
RCCMPEntry | |
RCEntry | |
RcOverride | |
RCVContext | |
RDFTContext | |
RDTDemuxContext | |
RematrixFunctionInfo | |
ReSampleContext | |
ResampleContext | |
Results | |
rgb_pixfmt_map_entry | |
rgb_triplet | |
RiceContext | |
RICEContext | |
Rl2Context | |
Rl2DemuxContext | |
RLTable | RLTable |
RMDemuxContext | |
RMMuxContext | |
RMStream | |
roq_cell | |
roq_qcell | |
RoqCodebooks | |
RoqContext | |
RoqDemuxContext | |
ROQDPCMContext | |
RoqTempData | Temporary vars |
RPLContext | |
RpzaContext | |
RTJpegContext | |
RTMPContext | Protocol handler context |
RTMPPacket | Structure for holding RTMP packets |
RTPContext | |
RTPDemuxContext | |
RTPDynamicProtocolHandler_s | |
RTPMuxContext | |
RTPPacket | |
RTPStatistics | |
RTSPActionServerSetup | |
RTSPMessageHeader | This describes the server response to each RTSP command |
RTSPState | Private data for the RTSP demuxer |
RTSPStream | Describes a single stream, as identified by a single m= line block in the SDP content |
RTSPTransportField | This describes a single item in the "Transport:" line of one stream as negotiated by the SETUP RTSP command |
RV34DecContext | Decoder context |
RV34DSPContext | |
RV34ParseContext | |
RV34VLC | VLC tables used by the decoder |
RVMapDesc | Run-value (RLE) table descriptor |
S302MDecodeContext | |
SampleFmtInfo | |
SAPState | |
SavedContext | |
SBRData | Spectral Band Replication per channel data |
ScaleContext | |
ScanTable | Scantable |
SchroDecoderParams | Libschroedinger decoder private data |
SchroEncoderParams | Libschroedinger encoder private data |
SchroParseUnitContext | |
sdl_overlay_pix_fmt_entry | |
SDLContext | |
SectionHeader | |
segment | |
SegmentContext | |
SelectContext | |
SeqDemuxContext | |
SeqVideoContext | |
SetPTSContext | |
SetTBContext | |
SgiContext | |
SgiState | |
ShortenContext | |
ShowInfoContext | |
SIFFContext | |
SingleChannelElement | Single Channel Element - used for both SCE and LFE elements |
SiprContext | |
SiprModeParam | |
SiprParameters | |
SLConfigDescr | |
slice_buffer_s | Used to minimize the amount of memory used in order to optimize cache performance |
SliceContext | |
SliceInfo | Essential slice information |
SmackerAudioContext | |
SmackerContext | |
SmackerFrame | |
SmackVContext | |
SmcContext | |
SMJPEGContext | |
SmoothContext | |
SndioData | |
SnowContext | |
sockaddr_storage | |
SoftFloat | |
SonicContext | |
SoXContext | |
SpecifierOpt | |
SpectralBandReplication | Spectral Band Replication |
SpectrumParameters | Spectral Band Replication header - spectrum parameters that invoke a reset if they differ from the previous header |
speex_params | |
SPS | Sequence parameter set |
SRTContext | |
SrtStack | |
StagefrightContext | |
StrChannel | |
StrDemuxContext | |
StreamContext | |
StreamInfo | |
StreamMap | |
StreamType | |
SubBand | |
SubcelEvaluation | |
SubPicture | |
SubStream | |
SUNRASTContext | |
SuperBlock | |
svq1_frame_size | |
svq1_pmv_s | |
SVQ1Context | |
SVQ3Context | |
SWFContext | |
SwrContext | |
SwsContext | |
SwsFilter | |
SwsVector | |
Syncpoint | |
SynthFilterContext | |
TargaContext | |
TCPContext | |
TemporalNoiseShaping | Temporal Noise Shaping |
TestSourceContext | |
TgqContext | |
TgvContext | |
theora_params | Copyright (C) 2005 Matthieu CASTET, Alex Beregszaszi |
TheoraContext | |
ThpDemuxContext | |
thread_arg | |
ThreadContext | |
TiertexSeqFrameBuffer | |
TiffContext | |
TiffEncoderContext | |
TimeFilter | |
TLSContext | |
TM2Codes | Huffman codes for each of streams |
TM2Context | |
TM2Huff | Structure for gathering Huffman codes information |
TMVContext | |
tonal_component | |
TqiContext | |
TransContext | |
Transform | |
Tree | Data needed to decode 4-bit Huffman-coded value |
TrellisNode | |
TrellisPath | |
TrueMotion1Context | |
TsccContext | |
TSContext | TrueSpeech decoder context |
TTAChannel | |
TTAContext | |
TTAFilter | |
TTARice | |
TtyDemuxContext | |
TwinContext | |
TXDContext | |
UDPContext | |
UltimotionDecodeContext | |
unit_value | |
UnsharpContext | |
URLContext | URL Context |
URLPollEntry | |
URLProtocol | |
UtVideoContext | |
UtvideoContext | |
UtVideoExtra | |
V210DecContext | |
vaapi_context | This structure is used to share data between the FFmpeg library and the client video application |
variant | |
variant_info | |
VBDecContext | |
VBLEContext | |
VC1Context | The VC1 Context |
VC1DSPContext | |
VC1ParseContext | |
VCR1Context | |
vda_context | This structure is used to provide the necessary configurations and data to the VDA FFmpeg HWAccel implementation |
vda_frame | This structure is used to store a decoded frame information and data |
vdpau_render_state | This structure is used as a callback between the FFmpeg decoder (vd_) and presentation (vo_) module |
vdpau_render_state::vdpau_render_state::VdpPictureInfo | Picture parameter information for all supported codecs |
vf_format_context_t | |
vf_image_context_s | |
vf_info_s | |
vf_instance | |
vf_priv_s | Stores persistant variables |
vf_seteq_s | |
vfw_ctx | |
video_data | |
VideoData | |
VideoPicture | |
VideoRateAbbr | |
VideoSizeAbbr | |
VideoState | |
VideoXLContext | |
VLC | |
VLCcode | |
VlcState | |
vmd_frame | |
VmdAudioContext | |
VmdDemuxContext | |
VmdVideoContext | |
VmncContext | |
vo_functions_s | |
vo_info_s | |
vo_mpegpes_t | |
vo_rect | |
VObj | |
voc_dec_context | |
voc_enc_context | |
VolumeContext | |
vorbis_codebook | |
vorbis_context_s | |
vorbis_enc_codebook | |
vorbis_enc_context | |
vorbis_enc_floor | |
vorbis_enc_floor_class | |
vorbis_enc_mapping | |
vorbis_enc_mode | |
vorbis_enc_residue | |
vorbis_floor | |
vorbis_floor1_entry | |
vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u | |
vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor0_s | |
vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor1_s | |
vorbis_mapping | |
vorbis_mode | |
vorbis_residue | |
Vp3DecodeContext | |
Vp3Fragment | |
vp56_context | |
VP56DSPContext | |
VP56Macroblock | |
VP56Model | |
VP56mv | |
VP56RangeCoder | |
VP56RefDc | |
VP56Tree | |
VP8Context | |
VP8DecoderContext | |
VP8DSPContext | |
VP8EncoderContext | |
VP8FilterStrength | |
VP8Macroblock | |
VqaContext | |
vqEntry | |
VqfContext | |
WAVContext | |
WavpackContext | |
WavpackFrameContext | |
Wc3DemuxContext | |
win32_cond_t | |
WMACodecContext | |
WmallChannelCtx | Frame specific decoder context for a single channel |
WmallChannelGrp | Channel group for channel transformations |
WmallDecodeCtx | Main decoder context |
WMAProChannelCtx | Frame specific decoder context for a single channel |
WMAProChannelGrp | Channel group for channel transformations |
WMAProDecodeCtx | Main decoder context |
WMAVoiceContext | WMA Voice decoding context |
Wmv2Context | |
WNV1Context | |
Writer | |
WriterContext | |
WsAudDemuxContext | |
WSSndContext | |
WsVqaDemuxContext | |
WtvChunkEntry | |
WtvContext | |
WtvFile | |
WTVRootEntryTable | |
WtvStream | |
WvChannel | |
WVContext | |
x11_grab | X11 Device Demuxer context |
X264Context | |
x_and_coeff | |
XanContext | |
XavsContext | |
XbinContext | |
xmm_reg | |
XMVAudioPacket | An audio packet with an XMV file |
XMVDemuxContext | Context for demuxing an XMV file |
XMVVideoPacket | A video packet with an XMV file |
xvid_context | Structure for the private Xvid context |
xvid_ff_pass1 | Structure for the private first-pass plugin |
xvmc_pix_fmt | |
XWMAContext | |
YADIFContext | |
yop_dec_context | |
YopDecContext | |
YuvPixel | |
ZmbvContext | |
ZmbvEncContext | Encoder context |