Public Types | |
Definition at line 74 of file asfdec_f.c.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 140 of file asfdec_o.c.
const AVClass* ASFContext::class |
Definition at line 75 of file asfdec_f.c.
int ASFContext::asfid2avid[128] |
conversion table from asf ID 2 AVStream ID
Definition at line 76 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_read_frame_header(), asf_read_header(), asf_read_stream_properties(), and skip_to_key().
ASFStream ASFContext::streams |
it's max number and it's not that big
Definition at line 77 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_ext_stream_properties(), asf_read_frame_header(), asf_read_header(), asf_read_pts(), asf_read_stream_properties(), asf_reset_header(), asf_write_header1(), asf_write_packet(), and skip_to_key().
uint32_t ASFContext::stream_bitrates[128] |
max number of streams, bitrate for each (for streaming)
Definition at line 78 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_read_ext_stream_properties(), and asf_read_header().
AVRational ASFContext::dar[128] |
Definition at line 79 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_read_ext_content_desc(), asf_read_header(), and asf_read_metadata().
char ASFContext::stream_languages[128][6] |
max number of streams, language for each (RFC1766, e.g. en-US)
Definition at line 80 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_read_header(), and asf_read_language_list().
int ASFContext::packet_size_left |
Definition at line 83 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_get_packet(), asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), asf_read_header(), asf_read_packet(), asf_reset_header(), flush_packet(), and put_frame().
uint64_t ASFContext::data_offset |
beginning of the first data packet
Definition at line 85 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_read_data(), asf_read_header(), asf_read_packet(), asf_read_payload(), asf_read_timestamp(), asf_write_header1(), asf_write_trailer(), and get_send_time().
uint64_t ASFContext::data_object_offset |
data object offset (excl. GUID & size)
Definition at line 86 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_build_simple_index(), asf_parse_packet(), and asf_read_header().
uint64_t ASFContext::data_object_size |
size of the data object
Definition at line 87 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_build_simple_index(), asf_parse_packet(), and asf_read_header().
int ASFContext::index_read |
Definition at line 88 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_build_simple_index(), and asf_read_seek().
ASFMainHeader ASFContext::hdr |
Definition at line 90 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_build_simple_index(), asf_get_packet(), asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_file_properties(), asf_read_header(), asf_read_marker(), and asf_read_stream_properties().
int ASFContext::packet_flags |
Definition at line 92 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_get_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
int ASFContext::packet_property |
Definition at line 93 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_get_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
int ASFContext::packet_timestamp |
Definition at line 94 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_get_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
int ASFContext::packet_segsizetype |
Definition at line 95 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_get_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
int ASFContext::packet_segments |
Definition at line 96 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_get_packet(), asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), asf_read_packet(), and asf_reset_header().
int ASFContext::packet_seq |
Definition at line 97 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
int ASFContext::packet_replic_size |
Definition at line 98 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
int ASFContext::packet_key_frame |
Definition at line 99 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
int ASFContext::packet_padsize |
Definition at line 100 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_get_packet(), asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
unsigned int ASFContext::packet_frag_offset |
Definition at line 101 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
unsigned int ASFContext::packet_frag_size |
Definition at line 102 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
int64_t ASFContext::packet_frag_timestamp |
Definition at line 103 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
int ASFContext::ts_is_pts |
Definition at line 104 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), and asf_read_frame_header().
int ASFContext::packet_multi_size |
Definition at line 105 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
int ASFContext::packet_time_delta |
Definition at line 106 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), and asf_reset_header().
int ASFContext::packet_time_start |
Definition at line 107 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), asf_read_packet(), and asf_reset_header().
int64_t ASFContext::packet_pos |
Definition at line 108 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet().
int ASFContext::stream_index |
Definition at line 110 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_frame_header(), asf_read_payload(), and asf_read_subpayload().
ASFStream * ASFContext::asf_st |
currently decoded stream
Definition at line 112 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_deinterleave(), asf_parse_packet(), asf_read_close(), asf_read_ext_stream_properties(), asf_read_header(), asf_read_packet(), asf_read_payload(), asf_read_picture(), asf_read_simple_index(), asf_read_stream_properties(), asf_read_subpayload(), asf_read_timestamp(), asf_reset_header(), find_stream(), and reset_packet_state().
int ASFContext::no_resync_search |
Definition at line 114 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_get_packet().
int ASFContext::export_xmp |
Definition at line 115 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by get_tag().
int ASFContext::uses_std_ecc |
Definition at line 117 of file asfdec_f.c.
Referenced by asf_get_packet().
int ASFContext::data_reached |
Definition at line 96 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_data(), and asf_read_header().
int ASFContext::is_simple_index |
Definition at line 97 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_header(), asf_read_seek(), and asf_read_simple_index().
int ASFContext::is_header |
Definition at line 98 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_header(), and asf_read_unknown().
uint64_t ASFContext::preroll |
Definition at line 100 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_header(), asf_read_marker(), asf_read_packet(), asf_read_properties(), and asf_read_subpayload().
uint64_t ASFContext::nb_packets |
how many packets are there in the file, invalid if broadcasting
Definition at line 101 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_data(), asf_read_properties(), asf_write_header(), asf_write_header1(), asf_write_packet(), and flush_packet().
uint32_t ASFContext::packet_size |
Definition at line 102 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_multiple_payload(), asf_read_packet(), asf_read_payload(), asf_read_properties(), asf_read_simple_index(), asf_read_single_payload(), asf_read_subpayload(), asf_read_timestamp(), asf_write_header(), flush_packet(), and put_frame().
int64_t ASFContext::send_time |
Definition at line 103 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_packet_header().
int ASFContext::duration |
Definition at line 104 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_data(), asf_read_properties(), asf_write_header1(), and asf_write_packet().
uint32_t ASFContext::b_flags |
Definition at line 106 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_data(), asf_read_header(), asf_read_packet(), and asf_read_properties().
uint32_t ASFContext::prop_flags |
Definition at line 107 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_packet_header(), asf_read_payload(), and reset_packet_state().
uint64_t ASFContext::data_size |
Definition at line 109 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_data(), asf_read_packet(), asf_read_payload(), and asf_read_timestamp().
uint64_t ASFContext::unknown_size |
Definition at line 110 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_unknown().
int64_t ASFContext::offset |
Definition at line 112 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_content_desc(), asf_read_data(), asf_read_ext_content(), asf_read_ext_stream_properties(), asf_read_header(), asf_read_language_list(), asf_read_marker(), asf_read_metadata_obj(), asf_read_simple_index(), asf_read_stream_properties(), detect_unknown_subobject(), and reset_packet_state().
int64_t ASFContext::data_offset |
Definition at line 114 of file asfdec_o.c.
int64_t ASFContext::first_packet_offset |
Definition at line 115 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_data(), asf_read_header(), asf_read_simple_index(), asf_read_timestamp(), and reset_packet_state().
int64_t ASFContext::unknown_offset |
Definition at line 116 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_header(), and asf_read_unknown().
ASFStreamData ASFContext::asf_sd[ASF_MAX_STREAMS] |
Definition at line 120 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_close(), asf_read_header(), asf_read_language_list(), asf_read_metadata_obj(), and asf_store_aspect_ratio().
int ASFContext::nb_streams |
Definition at line 121 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_close(), asf_read_data(), asf_read_ext_stream_properties(), asf_read_header(), asf_read_payload(), asf_read_picture(), asf_read_simple_index(), asf_read_stream_properties(), asf_read_subpayload(), asf_read_timestamp(), find_stream(), and reset_packet_state().
uint64_t ASFContext::sub_header_offset |
Definition at line 126 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_subpayload(), and reset_packet_state().
int64_t ASFContext::sub_dts |
Definition at line 127 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_payload(), asf_read_subpayload(), and reset_packet_state().
uint8_t ASFContext::dts_delta |
Definition at line 128 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_subpayload(), and reset_packet_state().
uint32_t ASFContext::packet_size_internal |
Definition at line 129 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_data(), asf_read_packet_header(), and asf_read_single_payload().
int64_t ASFContext::packet_offset |
Definition at line 130 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_packet(), asf_read_packet_header(), asf_read_payload(), asf_read_single_payload(), asf_read_subpayload(), and reset_packet_state().
uint32_t ASFContext::pad_len |
Definition at line 131 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_packet(), asf_read_packet_header(), asf_read_single_payload(), asf_read_subpayload(), and reset_packet_state().
uint32_t ASFContext::rep_data_len |
Definition at line 132 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_multiple_payload(), asf_read_payload(), asf_read_replicated_data(), asf_read_single_payload(), and reset_packet_state().
uint64_t ASFContext::sub_left |
Definition at line 135 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_data(), asf_read_multiple_payload(), asf_read_packet(), asf_read_payload(), asf_read_subpayload(), and reset_packet_state().
unsigned int ASFContext::nb_sub |
Definition at line 136 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_subpayload(), and reset_packet_state().
uint16_t ASFContext::mult_sub_len |
Definition at line 137 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_subpayload(), and reset_packet_state().
uint64_t ASFContext::nb_mult_left |
Definition at line 138 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_data(), asf_read_multiple_payload(), asf_read_packet(), asf_read_packet_header(), asf_read_payload(), asf_read_subpayload(), and reset_packet_state().
int ASFContext::return_subpayload |
Definition at line 139 of file asfdec_o.c.
Referenced by asf_read_data(), asf_read_packet(), asf_read_subpayload(), and reset_packet_state().
enum { ... } ASFContext::state |
Referenced by asf_read_data(), asf_read_multiple_payload(), asf_read_packet(), asf_read_payload(), and reset_packet_state().
uint32_t ASFContext::seqno |
Definition at line 224 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by put_chunk().
int ASFContext::is_streamed |
Definition at line 225 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header1(), asf_write_packet(), asf_write_stream_header(), asf_write_trailer(), and flush_packet().
const char* ASFContext::languages[128] |
Definition at line 227 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header1().
int ASFContext::nb_languages |
Definition at line 228 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header1().
int64_t ASFContext::creation_time |
Definition at line 229 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header1().
unsigned char ASFContext::multi_payloads_present |
Definition at line 234 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by put_frame(), put_payload_header(), and put_payload_parsing_info().
int64_t ASFContext::packet_timestamp_start |
Definition at line 236 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header(), flush_packet(), and put_frame().
int64_t ASFContext::packet_timestamp_end |
Definition at line 237 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header(), flush_packet(), and put_frame().
unsigned int ASFContext::packet_nb_payloads |
Definition at line 238 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header(), flush_packet(), and put_frame().
uint8_t ASFContext::packet_buf[PACKET_SIZE_MAX] |
Definition at line 239 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header(), and flush_packet().
AVIOContext ASFContext::pb |
Definition at line 240 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header(), asf_write_trailer(), flush_packet(), put_frame(), and put_payload_header().
ASFIndex* ASFContext::index_ptr |
Definition at line 244 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header(), asf_write_trailer(), get_send_time(), and update_index().
uint32_t ASFContext::nb_index_memory_alloc |
Definition at line 245 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header(), and update_index().
uint16_t ASFContext::maximum_packet |
Definition at line 246 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_header(), asf_write_trailer(), and update_index().
uint32_t ASFContext::next_packet_number |
Definition at line 247 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by update_index().
uint16_t ASFContext::next_packet_count |
Definition at line 248 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by update_index().
uint64_t ASFContext::next_packet_offset |
Definition at line 249 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by update_index().
int ASFContext::next_start_sec |
Definition at line 250 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_trailer(), get_send_time(), and update_index().
int ASFContext::end_sec |
Definition at line 251 of file asfenc.c.
Referenced by asf_write_packet(), and asf_write_trailer().