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Audio FIFO Buffer


void av_audio_fifo_free (AVAudioFifo *af)
 Free an AVAudioFifo. More...
AVAudioFifoav_audio_fifo_alloc (enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt, int channels, int nb_samples)
 Allocate an AVAudioFifo. More...
av_warn_unused_result int av_audio_fifo_realloc (AVAudioFifo *af, int nb_samples)
 Reallocate an AVAudioFifo. More...
int av_audio_fifo_write (AVAudioFifo *af, void **data, int nb_samples)
 Write data to an AVAudioFifo. More...
int av_audio_fifo_peek (AVAudioFifo *af, void **data, int nb_samples)
 Peek data from an AVAudioFifo. More...
int av_audio_fifo_peek_at (AVAudioFifo *af, void **data, int nb_samples, int offset)
 Peek data from an AVAudioFifo. More...
int av_audio_fifo_read (AVAudioFifo *af, void **data, int nb_samples)
 Read data from an AVAudioFifo. More...
int av_audio_fifo_drain (AVAudioFifo *af, int nb_samples)
 Drain data from an AVAudioFifo. More...
void av_audio_fifo_reset (AVAudioFifo *af)
 Reset the AVAudioFifo buffer. More...
int av_audio_fifo_size (AVAudioFifo *af)
 Get the current number of samples in the AVAudioFifo available for reading. More...
int av_audio_fifo_space (AVAudioFifo *af)
 Get the current number of samples in the AVAudioFifo available for writing. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ av_audio_fifo_free()

void av_audio_fifo_free ( AVAudioFifo af)

Free an AVAudioFifo.

afAVAudioFifo to free

Definition at line 45 of file audio_fifo.c.

Referenced by av_audio_fifo_alloc(), config_output(), main(), opus_decode_close(), test_function(), uninit(), and xma_decode_end().

◆ av_audio_fifo_alloc()

AVAudioFifo* av_audio_fifo_alloc ( enum AVSampleFormat  sample_fmt,
int  channels,
int  nb_samples 

Allocate an AVAudioFifo.

sample_fmtsample format
channelsnumber of channels
nb_samplesinitial allocation size, in samples
newly allocated AVAudioFifo, or NULL on error

Definition at line 59 of file audio_fifo.c.

Referenced by config_input(), config_output(), init_fifo(), opus_decode_init(), test_function(), and xma_decode_init().

◆ av_audio_fifo_realloc()

av_warn_unused_result int av_audio_fifo_realloc ( AVAudioFifo af,
int  nb_samples 

Reallocate an AVAudioFifo.

afAVAudioFifo to reallocate
nb_samplesnew allocation size, in samples
0 if OK, or negative AVERROR code on failure

Definition at line 96 of file audio_fifo.c.

Referenced by add_samples_to_fifo(), and av_audio_fifo_write().

◆ av_audio_fifo_write()

int av_audio_fifo_write ( AVAudioFifo af,
void **  data,
int  nb_samples 

Write data to an AVAudioFifo.

The AVAudioFifo will be reallocated automatically if the available space is less than nb_samples.

See also
enum AVSampleFormat The documentation for AVSampleFormat describes the data layout.
afAVAudioFifo to write to
dataaudio data plane pointers
nb_samplesnumber of samples to write
number of samples actually written, or negative AVERROR code on failure. If successful, the number of samples actually written will always be nb_samples.

Definition at line 112 of file audio_fifo.c.

Referenced by activate(), add_samples_to_fifo(), config_input(), config_output(), filter_frame(), flush(), opus_decode_frame(), opus_decode_packet(), spatial_activate(), write_samples_to_audio_fifo(), and xma_decode_packet().

◆ av_audio_fifo_peek()

int av_audio_fifo_peek ( AVAudioFifo af,
void **  data,
int  nb_samples 

Peek data from an AVAudioFifo.

See also
enum AVSampleFormat The documentation for AVSampleFormat describes the data layout.
afAVAudioFifo to read from
dataaudio data plane pointers
nb_samplesnumber of samples to peek
number of samples actually peek, or negative AVERROR code on failure. The number of samples actually peek will not be greater than nb_samples, and will only be less than nb_samples if av_audio_fifo_size is less than nb_samples.

Definition at line 138 of file audio_fifo.c.

Referenced by activate(), filter_channel(), filter_frame(), output_frame(), spatial_activate(), and test_function().

◆ av_audio_fifo_peek_at()

int av_audio_fifo_peek_at ( AVAudioFifo af,
void **  data,
int  nb_samples,
int  offset 

Peek data from an AVAudioFifo.

See also
enum AVSampleFormat The documentation for AVSampleFormat describes the data layout.
afAVAudioFifo to read from
dataaudio data plane pointers
nb_samplesnumber of samples to peek
offsetoffset from current read position
number of samples actually peek, or negative AVERROR code on failure. The number of samples actually peek will not be greater than nb_samples, and will only be less than nb_samples if av_audio_fifo_size is less than nb_samples.

Definition at line 157 of file audio_fifo.c.

Referenced by test_function().

◆ av_audio_fifo_read()

int av_audio_fifo_read ( AVAudioFifo af,
void **  data,
int  nb_samples 

Read data from an AVAudioFifo.

See also
enum AVSampleFormat The documentation for AVSampleFormat describes the data layout.
afAVAudioFifo to read from
dataaudio data plane pointers
nb_samplesnumber of samples to read
number of samples actually read, or negative AVERROR code on failure. The number of samples actually read will not be greater than nb_samples, and will only be less than nb_samples if av_audio_fifo_size is less than nb_samples.

Definition at line 181 of file audio_fifo.c.

Referenced by filter_frame(), load_encode_and_write(), opus_decode_frame(), opus_decode_packet(), opus_flush_resample(), output_frame(), read_samples_from_audio_fifo(), and xma_decode_packet().

◆ av_audio_fifo_drain()

int av_audio_fifo_drain ( AVAudioFifo af,
int  nb_samples 

Drain data from an AVAudioFifo.

Removes the data without reading it.

afAVAudioFifo to drain
nb_samplesnumber of samples to drain
0 if OK, or negative AVERROR code on failure

Definition at line 201 of file audio_fifo.c.

Referenced by activate(), filter_frame(), opus_decode_flush(), opus_decode_frame(), output_frame(), spatial_activate(), and test_function().

◆ av_audio_fifo_reset()

void av_audio_fifo_reset ( AVAudioFifo af)

Reset the AVAudioFifo buffer.

This empties all data in the buffer.

afAVAudioFifo to reset

Definition at line 218 of file audio_fifo.c.

Referenced by xma_flush().

◆ av_audio_fifo_size()

int av_audio_fifo_size ( AVAudioFifo af)

Get the current number of samples in the AVAudioFifo available for reading.

afthe AVAudioFifo to query
number of samples available for reading

Definition at line 228 of file audio_fifo.c.

Referenced by activate(), add_samples_to_fifo(), av_audio_fifo_write(), filter_frame(), load_encode_and_write(), main(), opus_decode_flush(), opus_decode_frame(), opus_decode_packet(), opus_flush_resample(), output_frame(), request_frame(), request_samples(), spatial_activate(), test_function(), and xma_decode_packet().

◆ av_audio_fifo_space()

int av_audio_fifo_space ( AVAudioFifo af)

Get the current number of samples in the AVAudioFifo available for writing.

afthe AVAudioFifo to query
number of samples available for writing

Definition at line 233 of file audio_fifo.c.

Referenced by av_audio_fifo_write().