Go to the documentation of this file.
55 #ifndef AVFORMAT_IMF_H
56 #define AVFORMAT_IMF_H
62 #include <libxml/tree.h>
int ff_imf_parse_cpl_from_xml_dom(xmlDocPtr doc, FFIMFCPL **cpl)
Parse an IMF CompositionPlaylist element into the FFIMFCPL data structure.
FFIMFTrackFileResource * resources
Resource elements of the Virtual Track.
AVUUID id_uuid
CompositionPlaylist/Id element.
FFIMFMarkerResource * resources
Resource elements of the Virtual Track.
uint32_t resource_count
Number of Resource elements present in the Virtual Track.
int ff_imf_xml_read_uint32(xmlNodePtr element, uint32_t *number)
Reads an unsigned 32-bit integer from an XML element.
IMF Composition Playlist Virtual Track that consists of Marker Resources.
xmlChar * content_title_utf8
CompositionPlaylist/ContentTitle element.
FFIMFTrackFileVirtualTrack * main_audio_tracks
Main Audio Virtual Tracks.
void ff_imf_cpl_free(FFIMFCPL *cpl)
Deletes an FFIMFCPL data structure previously instantiated with ff_imf_cpl_alloc().
uint32_t duration
xmlNodePtr ff_imf_xml_get_child_element_by_name(xmlNodePtr parent, const char *name_utf8)
Returns the first child element with the specified local name.
FFIMFMarkerVirtualTrack * main_markers_track
Main Marker Virtual Track.
IMF Composition Playlist Virtual Track that consists of Track File Resources.
AVRational edit_rate
CompositionPlaylist/EditRate element.
unsigned int resources_alloc_sz
Size of the resources buffer.
IMF Composition Playlist Virtual Track.
IMF Composition Playlist Base Resource.
Rational number (pair of numerator and denominator).
FFIMFBaseVirtualTrack base
FFIMFBaseVirtualTrack base
AVRational edit_rate
AVUUID track_file_uuid
uint32_t repeat_count
int ff_imf_parse_cpl(AVIOContext *in, FFIMFCPL **cpl)
Parse an IMF Composition Playlist document into the FFIMFCPL data structure.
AVUUID id_uuid
TrackId associated with the Virtual Track.
uint32_t entry_point
FFIMFCPL * ff_imf_cpl_alloc(void)
Allocates and initializes an FFIMFCPL data structure.
IMF Composition Playlist Marker Resource.
FFIMFMarker * markers
Marker elements.
IMF Composition Playlist Track File Resource.
uint32_t offset
uint32_t main_audio_track_count
Number of Main Audio Virtual Tracks.
uint32_t resource_count
Number of Resource elements present in the Virtual Track.
int ff_imf_xml_read_uuid(xmlNodePtr element, AVUUID uuid)
Reads a UUID from an XML element.
FFIMFTrackFileVirtualTrack * main_image_2d_track
Main Image Virtual Track.
uint32_t marker_count
Number of Marker elements.
IMF Composition Playlist.
xmlChar * label_utf8
int ff_imf_xml_read_rational(xmlNodePtr element, AVRational *rational)
Reads an AVRational from an XML element.
xmlChar * scope_utf8