[FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH] libavformat/mxfdec.c: Recognize and Ignore MXF fill boxes

martin schitter ms+git at mur.at
Fri Sep 13 12:33:11 EEST 2024

On 13.09.24 10:23, Nicolas Gaullier wrote:
> I am not against the idea of the patch: filler items should not be logged as dark metadata. 

Fine! -- that's the main point!

> I find the patch confusing both because of the commit msg and code:
> - the commit msg should not claim it "adds support for" filler items: mxf files with fillers are already supported/playable.

It adds a small amount of support, because without adding this key entry 
you can not identify and selective process 'fill' boxes.

Sure -- the files are already playable, and the processing is even 
faster without any further handling of this specific kind of content, 
but you will never be able to suppress the misleading verbose logging 
without such a modification.

> - why not using a simple "if" on the av_log rather than inserting a new block of code ?

Somehow you always have to differentiate 'fill' boxes from other unknown 
elements if you want to change the present behavior.

Sure -- it would be possible to change just the printed output in this 
already present `av_log` call, but the necessary code would IMHO much 
more "confusing":

a selective handling of a specific kind of entity in a branch of the 
code flow, which is strictly dedicated to warn about "unknown" content. 
That's simply a paradox, a developers joke or just something highly 

But change and rename my patch however you like!

I can not do more than suggesting this very simple improvement.
Or at least something, which I personally would see as an improvement.


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