[FFmpeg-user] Fatal errors

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Thu Aug 9 18:47:37 CEST 2012

agowad <at> gmail.com <agowad <at> gmail.com> writes:

> >> Fatal for me means that there is a risk that output 
> >> file was not properly generated. 
> > 
> >A risk? 
> Yes, I want to be sure that the output file was 
> successfully generated and that there is no risk that 
> it is anyhow corrupted. I don't know much about ffmpeg, 
> and I assume that it can exit with code 0 but at the same
> time write to the output some errors that may (or may not) 
> affect a generated video. This is why I used word risk.

Let me try again (differently):
I severely doubt you can define "not properly generated" and 
I therefore find it very unlikely this can be detected.

> >Please understand that afaict the developers do not see 
> >error strings as part of the API, so whatever you are 
> >trying to do will definitely break fast. 
> > 
> >Try instead to explain what you want to do, perhaps 
> >someone on the list can help you. 
> I am using ffmpeg.exe to convert video to mp4 format 
> (among other things). I don't remember why but (I
> assume) there was a reason why I decided to analyse ffmpeg 
> output for errors (maybe exit code hasn't worked for me in 
> some cases).
> So what I want to do is to detect when ffmpeg fails to 
> create completely correct converted file.

Now you would have to define "completely correct".

As it is, I certainly cannot help you, if you can 
remember why you decided you want to analyse the output
(preferably a command line with complete, uncut console 
output and an explanation what went wrong), somebody 
may be able to help you.

Sorry, Carl Eugen

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