[FFmpeg-user] Confusion about fieldmatch, decimate and framerate (now with yadif)

Nicholas Robbins nickrobbins at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 12 16:49:51 CET 2013

On Tue, 11/12/13, Carl Eugen Hoyos <cehoyos at ag.or.at> wrote:

 > >  This would be a serious bug, if you can
 actually reproduce
 > >  it, please upload the five-ten relevant
 > (The five to ten original encoded frames.)
Sorry. Of course. Uploaded as robbins-original.tgz
commands used:

$ ffmpeg -t 0.10 -ss 272.25 -i in.mkv -map 0 -c copy   short.mkv

$ ffmpeg -i short.mkv -map 0 -c copy -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=30000/1001,fieldmatch" -crf 17 -preset veryfast short-fieldmatch.mkv

$ ffmpeg -i short.mkv -map 0 -c copy -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=30000/1001,fieldmatch,yadif=deint=interlaced" -crf 17 -preset veryfast short-fieldmatch-yadif.mkv

both of these produced the output:
[Parsed_fieldmatch_1 @ 0x5d2abfa500] Frame #3 at 0.166833 is still interlaced
[Parsed_fieldmatch_1 @ 0x5d2abfa500] Frame #4 at 0.2002 is still interlaced
[Parsed_fieldmatch_1 @ 0x5d2abfa500] Frame #5 at 0.233567 is still interlaced

$ ffmpeg -i short-fieldmatch.mkv short-fieldmatch-%2d.bmp 
$ ffmpeg -i short-fieldmatch-yadif.mkv short-fieldmatch-yadif-%2d.bmp 

I've included frames 3,4,5 which appear identical using gimp's "difference" filter.

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