[FFmpeg-user] Resolve (was Re: key frame)

Oliver Fromme oliver at fromme.com
Sun Jun 30 00:18:29 EEST 2024

Mark Filipak wrote:
 > On 29/06/2024 16.28, Carl Zwanzig wrote:
 > > On 6/29/2024 12:56 PM, Mark Filipak wrote:
 > > > I did. That's why I decided not to use it.
 > > 
 > > Your loss.
 > > 
 > > z!
 > No, they're loss. Open ports shine on the Internet like stars in the sky. Open ports want to be found.

Only if your router is misconfigured to let all ports through to your
internal network by default.  If it does, then a relatively uncommon
piece of MPEG software will be the least of your problems.

Best regards

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