[FFmpeg-user] Resolve (was Re: key frame)

Mark Filipak markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com
Sun Jun 30 20:54:09 EEST 2024

On 29/06/2024 14.58, Carl Zwanzig wrote:
> On 6/28/2024 4:07 PM, Mark Filipak wrote:
>> I have to consider Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve to be a virus hub that is probably selling access to 
>> my system through those ports to outside clients.
> You're welcome to consider it such, but that doesn't make it so.

Now that I've slept and am refreshed...

It may be that invaders aren't after your systems via Resolve. They are more likely to be after your 
work. I'll tell you a true story to illustrate.

Several years ago I bought a couple dozen movie DVDs on ebay. They were from S.Korea. They were from 
one particular seller in S.Korea. They had 13-digit barcodes and Korean text, Korean subtitles, and 
English dialog. They were 'new'.

I noticed that the discs were 'strange'. In retrospect, the videos didn't look like final cuts. 
Sound was slightly out of sync. Audio channels were not the same as US and EU versions. And the 
coding had characteristic errors, errors that, to me, looked amateurish. The errors were consistent, 
as though mastered by the same software with the same settings even though the studios varied 
considerably. The discs did not play well and seeking was very erratic. I checked the barcodes and 
they didn't seem to match the patterns in commercial EANs but I couldn't confirm anything about the 

To show you how naive I was, I actually sent the discs back to Korea and requested a refund. Of 
course, I corresponded with the seller via ebay. The next thing I knew, ebay refunded my money and 
that S.Korean seller disappeared.

That may be an example of 'collaborative' work in which there's an unknown and undetected collaborator.

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