[FFmpeg-user] Resolve (was Re: key frame)

Rodney Baker rodney.baker at outlook.com.au
Sun Jun 30 14:26:52 EEST 2024

On Sunday, 30 June 2024 12:58:06 ACST Mark Filipak wrote:
> On 29/06/2024 22.42, Carl Zwanzig wrote:
> > On 6/29/2024 5:37 PM, Mark Filipak wrote:
> >> The firewall is between them and the OS networking.
> > 
> > The firewall is between your ISP's terminal device ...
> What's an "ISP's terminal device"?
> >... and your PC's network interface ...
> What's "your PC's network interface"? My network interface is Ethernet.
> That's a long way from the firewall.
> >... and it's
> >
> > probably also performing routing and NAT; many people call it just a
> > router, but it's also performing other functions as well. Check out it's
> > functionality.
> I thought you were referring to the operating system's firewall. You're not.
> You're obviously referring to the gateway router. That's not a firewall.
> > If you're simply depending on the PC's "firewall" software, you're not
> > following the accepted practices.
> You have a router that also has a firewall? I've never seen such a thing.
> How does it service a particular computer application?

Pretty much every consumer router has an inbuilt stateful firewall. That's why 
you need port-forwarding on your router if you want inbound connections to 
NAT'd devices on your LAN. 

Pretty much every commercial/business grade router (and even Layer 3 switches) 
can also act as firewalls, although in the corporate world it' s usual to have 
a separate firewall appliance at or near the edge of the network (and often 
also between network segments within a larger network). 

I personally run a Cisco business-grade router and it has quite reasonable 
firewalling capabilities, but even the ISP-supplied routers I've had in the 
past have firewalling enabled by default and need to have port-forwarding 
setup to allow inbound connections for e.g. ssh, vpn or other services I may 
want to expose. (These days I use a zero-trust vpn solution that doesn't 
require inbound port-forwarding, but that's another discussion altogether). 

Rodney Baker
rodney.baker at outlook.com.au

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