[Ffmtech-board-election] FFmtech board elections

Luca Barbato lu_zero at gentoo.org
Sat Jun 11 19:23:54 CEST 2011

On 6/7/11 6:03 PM, Benjamin Larsson wrote:
> Presentations should be sent to this mailing-list.

I starting contributing to FFmpeg with powerpc and altivec related 
patches, mostly due my involvement on the Gentoo/PowerPC. Overtime I got 
more involved in streaming related technologies while remaining involved 
in Gentoo and acting as downstream maintainer for the distribution.

I moved to Libav for the reason stated in our about page.

I'm offering the foundation my past experience as council member in 
Gentoo as well another upstream/downstream point of view.

On the specifics of the foundation management I noticed, as already 
stated by the other candidates, that we could be more active in using 
our money to fund interesting projects and we should try to better reach 
our users to give them better ways to contribute back.


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