[FFserver-user] still trying to stream V+A

adminrezo.0441992b adminrezo.0441992b at ac-nantes.fr
Fri Mar 16 18:30:03 CET 2012


because I could not get streaming video+audio with ffmpeg+ffserver 
provided with ubuntu-10.04-lts,
mp3 and x264 not embedded,  so no streaming possible under swf format

So I decided to download the actual version, and compile it from the 
source : git-2012-03-16
I finally could get it compiling  (need first to compile x264 sources 
with the -enable-static option, otherwise the x264 libs are not detected 
by configure )

But it is less working than before :
- ffplay was not compiled : no binary produced
- link between ffmpeg and ffserver is aborting  with this message (sent 
by ffmpeg) "av_interleaved_write_frame() : connection reset by peer"
(But I don't know if the problem finally comes from ffmpeg or ffserver).
Also after this crash, in my terminal window, I loose echo when I write 
on my keyboard  (NOT working as root).

Is there a workable version of ffmpeg + ffserver ?
Can anyone send me his experience back-report ?

thanks in advance

Xavier COUDIN - coordinateur informatique
Lycée "Pays-de-Retz"
1 pl Joseph Girard   44210 PORNIC
tel 02 40 82 40 19    poste 167

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